vial 0.1.9

a micro micro-framework
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## [] - 

## [0.1.9] - 2020-12-13

- Changed `ASSET_DIR` to store a `String` instead of `&'static str`,
  meaning it can now be set dynamically when your Vial app starts.

## [0.1.8] - 2020-11-20

- Added a lot more content types thanks to [Mozilla][moz mime types].
- Fixed parsing of HTTP headers with the same name. An HTTP client can
  now send "Accept: image/gif\r\nAccept: image/jpeg\r\n" and Vial will
  will return "image/gif, image/jpeg" from `request.header("Accept")`.

  For more information see RFC2616:

[moz mime types]:

## 0.1.7 (2020-10-21)

- Added optional `cookies` feature.

## v0.1.6

- Fix user agent timeout on empty response body.
- Fix date format in HTTP response.

Thanks to and @tdryer for this release!

## v0.1.5

- Added optional `json_serde` feature with support for
  JSON via `Request::json` thanks to @tdryer!
- Removed the `state` feature. Global state is built-in.
- Added basic support for [Hatter]
  HTML templates.

## v0.1.4

- Fix routing paths with fewer parts than a pattern.
- Removed the dependency on percent-encoding. Now Vial
  has only **two** direct dependencies and four total.

## v0.1.3

- Hatter now rejects headers that are over 8KB in total.
- Minor changes to HTTP header generation.

## v0.1.2

- Any panic! in app code is now converted into an error page.
- You can now disable or set your own startup banner to show
  in the console.

## v0.1.1

This release fixes a few small bugs in error handling and HTTP

## v0.1.0

This is the first public release of **Vial**, a micro micro-framework
for the Rust programming language.

For an overview, please see [the manual][manual] or the [README][readme].

