[][src]Macro vial::run_with_banner

macro_rules! run_with_banner {
    ($banner:expr) => { ... };
    ($banner:expr, $addr:expr) => { ... };
    ($banner:expr, $($module:ident),+) => { ... };
    ($banner:expr, $addr:expr, $($module:ident),+) => { ... };

Same as vial::run!(), but allows setting a banner that will be printed to the console when your Vial web app starts.

You can use {} in place of the server's address. For example:

This example is not tested
fn main() {
    vial::run_with_banner!("--> deadwiki started at {}").unwrap();

When we start this app, we'll see this:

This example is not tested
--> deadwiki started at

Instead of the usual:

This example is not tested
 ~ vial running at