[][src]Module vial::asset

Vial can serve static files out of an asset directory and optionally bundle them into your application in --release mode.

By setting an asset directory, either through the [vial::asset_dir!()][macro.asset_dir.html] or [vial::bundle_assets!()][macro.bundle_assets.html] macro, you can then use the methods in this module to work with them:

  • asset::etag(): Get the ETag for an asset. Used automatically by the Router if a web request matches an asset's path.
  • asset::exists(): Does an asset exist? Works regardless of whether the asset is bundled or not.
  • asset::is_bundled(): Are assets bundled? Only true in --release mode and when used with the vial::bundle_assets!() macro.
  • asset::to_string(): Like fs::read_to_string(), delivers the content of an asset as a String.
  • asset::as_reader(): Like asset::to_string() but provides an io::Read of an asset, whether or not it's bundled.

To get started, put all your .js and .css and other static assets into a directory in the root of your project, then reference them in HTML as if the root of your Vial web application was that asset directory.

Next call [vial::asset_dir!()][macro.asset_dir.html] with the path to your asset directory (maybe assets/?) before starting your application with vial::run!:

If we had a directory structure like this: . ├── README.md ├── assets │   └── img │   ├── banker.png │   └── doctor.png └── src └── main.rs

We could serve our images like so:

vial::routes! {
    GET "/" => |_| "
        <p><img src='/img/doctor.png'/></p>
        <p><img src='/img/banker.png'/></p>

fn main() {



Produces a boxed io::Read for an asset.


Produce an etag for an asset.


Does the asset exist on disk? path is the path relative to ASSET_DIR ex: asset::exists("index.html") checks for "./static/index.html" if ASSET_DIR is set to static. Works both in regular mode and bundle mode.


Have assets been bundled into the binary?


Cleans a path of tricky things like .. and puts it in a format we can use in other asset functions.


Read an asset to u8.


Like fs::read_to_string(), but with an asset.