vga 0.2.4

Support for vga specific functions, data structures, and registers.
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# vga
This crate provides vga specific functions, data structures,
and access to various registers.

Memory addresses `0xA0000 -> 0xBFFFF` must be readable and writeable
this crate to work properly.

**Note: This crate is currently experimental and subject to change since it's in active development.**

## Text Mode
use vga::colors::{Color16, TextModeColor};
use vga::writers::{ScreenCharacter, TextWriter, Text80x25};

let text_mode = Text80x25::new();
let color = TextModeColor::new(Color16::Yellow, Color16::Black);
let screen_character = ScreenCharacter::new(b'T', color);

text_mode.write_character(0, 0, screen_character);

## Graphics Mode
use vga::colors::Color16;
use vga::writers::{Graphics640x480x16, GraphicsWriter};

let mode = Graphics640x480x16::new();
mode.draw_line((80, 60), (80, 420), Color16::White);
mode.draw_line((80, 60), (540, 60), Color16::White);
mode.draw_line((80, 420), (540, 420), Color16::White);
mode.draw_line((540, 420), (540, 60), Color16::White);
mode.draw_line((80, 90), (540, 90), Color16::White);
for (offset, character) in "Hello World!".chars().enumerate() {
    mode.draw_character(270 + offset * 8, 72, character, Color16::White)