versionstore-operator 0.1.0

A k8s operator that updates deployment pod versions based on an external key-value store
versionstore-operator-0.1.0 is not a library.


A k8s operator that updates deployment pod versions based on an external key-value store License

  1. About


versionstore-operator observes the changes in an external key-value store and updates the k8s Deployment image tags. This allows one to e.g. decouple CI from the k8s cluster, as the CI can update the tag in the version store and the operator will then update the deployments within the cluster.


$ versionstore-operator --gcp-project ${PROJECT} --gcp-gcs-bucket ${BUCKET} --gcp-pubsub-topic ${TOPIC} --gcp-pubsub-subscription ${TOPIC_SUBSCRIPTION}
  • PROJECT: GCP project that contains the GCS bucket and the PubSub subscription
  • BUCKET: GCS storage bucket that contains the image versions
  • TOPIC: Cloud PubSub topic that GCS publishes updates to
  • TOPIC_SUBSCRIPTION: The existing Cloud PubSub subscription for the topic