version-number 0.3.0

Two and three component 'major.minor' and 'major.minor.patch' version number parsing


Parsing the "version core" of semver numbers and their shorthands


A crate to parse two- and three component version numbers. The three component version numbers are a subset of semver, namely, just the "version core" of a semver version (that is, pre-release and/or build modifiers are not supported). Two component versions are a shorthand of the three component version number, where the patch number is not specified.

Examples of two- respectively three component version numbers are 1.51 and 1.7.0.

An example where this version type is found, is the package.rust-version field in the Cargo manifest (which crate authors use to set the MSRV).

We call a two component major.minor version number, such as 1.51, a Base Version, and a three component major.minor.patch version number, such as 1.7.0, a Full Version.

Add as a dependency

To add rust-version as a dependency to your Rust project, you may run cargo add version-number.

Alternatively, you may add the version-number crate manually to your Cargo manifest (i.e. Cargo.toml) as a dependency:

version-number = "0.2"


use version_number::Version;

fn main() {
    let base = Version::parse("1.27").unwrap();
    println!("Two component version: {}", base);

    let full = Version::parse("1.27.0").unwrap();
    println!("Three component version: {}", full);

Please refer to the docs to review all functionality.


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.