versio 0.4.5

Versio is a tool to manage and publish projects.


Versio (pronounced vir-zhee-oh) is a tool that manages your project's advancement. It intelligently updates version numbers based on conventional commits, generates changelogs, and tags your code. Future version will publish your project to a variety of distribution targets.

Versio is especially intelligent when dealing with monorepos, allowing not only individual control of each project within the repo, but also managing dependencies and references among them.

Quick Start

Versio is a self-contained binary written in the Rust programming language. If you have installed Rust, you can do this:

$ cargo install versio

Or, you can download one of the pre-built binaries for your platform from the Releases page.

See the Quick Start use case to get up and running quickly with Versio. Or, try this and see what happens:

$ versio init  # this creates .versio.yaml
$ git add .versio.yaml .gitignore
$ git commit -m "build: add versio management"
$ git push
$ versio release


Software goes through a release process, where the software is described, assigned a version number, and deployed to sites where it can be executed or distributed. This process occurs first when the application is created, and again whenever maintenance or improvements are applied, so a single piece of software can incur many releases over its lifetime. Versio can help automate the release process by updating version numbers automatically from conventional commits, generating a changelog, and managing dependencies between projects.

Many software projects declare their version number in some sort of manifest file. Node/NPM projects have a "package.json" file, Rust/Cargo uses "Cargo.toml", Java/Maven has "pom.xml", Python/pip has "", Ruby/gem has gemspec files, and so forth. Go projects and Terraform modules, among others, opt to keep version numbers in VCS tags instead of a file. However your project is structured, you can list the location of your projects' version numbers in a Versio config file, and thenceforth Versio will be able to manage them.

How It Works

  • Versio reads a config file (by default named .versio.yaml) in your repository, and finds the version number of each project referenced there.
  • It also reads previous versions of the same config file and version numbers, starting at a specific tag (by default: versio-prev) in your version control history.
  • Based on the old versions, current version, and intervening conventional commits, Versio will update your projects' version numbers.
  • Versio will commit and push the updated manifest files, and update versio-prev tag.
  • Versio can also create or update per-project version tags.
  • Versio can generate or update a changelog based on the pull requests and commits that have been made since the last release.


Check out the Use Cases to learn how to use Versio via specific use cases that you or your organization might be interested in, or the Versio Reference for all command-line options and the format of the .versio.yaml config file.


Versio has some nice features that make it easy to use in your projects; here are just a few.

Pull Request Scanning

Versio can use the Git API to group commits by PR in its changelog, and can even "unsquash" PRs to extract the conventional commits hidden inside a squashed commit. This process happens automatically for GitHub-originated repositories. See the PR Scanning page for more information.

Version Tags

You can write VCS tags, and use them instead of a manifest file; this is a common pattern in Go and Terraform projects. To use this feature, you need to provide the project's tag prefix and a default value. See the Version Tags document for details.

Major subdirectories

Some projects keep major revisions of software in different subdirectories, usually named v2, v3 etc. This allows developers to keep track of multiple, sometimes very different application structures at the same time. You can utilize this feature by providing a subs property in your project configuration. See the Major Subdirectories page for a description.

VCS Levels

VCS Levels allow you to control the way Versio interacts with a Git repository: you can interact only locally, with a remote, or not at all. See the description in its document for more information.

Version Chains

Sometimes a version in one project will depend on a change in another project, even when both projects are in the same monorepo. Versio allows you to manage these dependencies, and automatically increment all dependent versions. See the Version Chains document for more info.


There's a whole Troubleshooting document for tracking down and reporting errors or other unexpected behavior. A lot of the time, though, it comes down to running Versio with logging and error tracing activated:

RUST_LOG=versio=trace RUST_BACKTRACE=1 versio <command>


We would love your code contributions to Versio! Feel free to branch or fork this repository and submit a pull request.

versio is written in Rust, a powerful and safe language for writing native executables. Visit the Rust lang homepage to learn more about writing and compiling Rust programs, and see the Contributing page for Versio specifically.

We also happily accept ideas, suggestions, documentation, tutorials, and any and all feedback. Leave a message on the support pages of this repo, or send messages directly to its owners.