verbosity 0.1.0

Utility library for working with cli output ergonomically
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#![doc(html_root_url = "")]

//! Intended for use with `cli` commands this library lets you set a singleton [`Verbosity`]
//! option to indicate different levels of reporting, i.e. `Quite` | `Terse` | `Verbose`
//! ## Example
//! ```no_run
//! # use std::str::FromStr;
//! # use verbosity::Verbosity;
//! # use verbosity::Verbosity::*;
//! let level = Verbosity::from_str(
//!         &std::env::args().last().unwrap_or(String::new())
//!     ).unwrap_or(Verbosity::Quite);
//! level.set_as_global();
//! match Verbosity::level() {
//!     Quite => {}
//!     Terse =>
//!         println!("terse message"),
//!     Verbose =>
//!         println!("overly verbose message for some command")
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Related Crate
//! The [`cli-toolbox`] crate uses this library to provide a more ergonomic way of
//! controlling reporting output
//! _i.e._
//! ```no_compile
//! let level = Verbosity::from_str(
//!         &std::env::args().last().unwrap_or(String::new())
//!     ).unwrap_or(Verbosity::Quite);
//! level.set_as_global();
//! report! {
//!     @terse "terse message"
//!     @verbose "overly verbose message for some command"
//! }
//! ```
//! [`Verbosity`]: verbosity::Verbosity
//! [`cli-toolbox`]: <>

pub use crate::verbosity::Verbosity;

mod tests;

mod verbosity;