vek 0.2.0

Generic but efficient SIMD vector+matrix library for game engines, with focus on intent and the small bits that make you happier as a user.

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Generic but efficient SIMD vector+matrix library for game engines, with focus on intent and the small bits that make you happier as a user.

DO NOT USE (yet). This is very much a work-in progress, breaking changes happen all the time on a whim.

The efficiency claim is based on the fact that implementations are specialized according to the target hardware, and the generated assembly is checked to ensure it is optimal.
As you would expect, SSE-enabled x86 CPUs do benefit from this.

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Why this crate ?

Low-dimensioned matrices and vectors (i.e <= 4 dimensions) are so commonly used in multimedia applications that they deserve to be promoted to core types, and are expected to be as fast as the hardware allows, at all times.

It is safe to assume that they are used a LOT, especially when they're processed en masse.
Positions, directions, curves, shapes, colors, texture coordinates, physics systems, animation systems, and many others... All of them need and process such types all the time. When they are fast, a lot of dependent systems greatly benefit from it.

It is quite a commitment to choose a vector/matrix library for a project

  • any game, engine or library that uses it is implictly tied to its decisions regarding performance and functionality. When none of these libraries are suitable for the task, one ends up being written in-house, with a variable quality criteria.

Today, especially with Rust's power, it is possible to unconditionnaly have genericity, ergonomics, functionality and performance all at once.
With vek, I hope to provide these core types as generics, while generating high-quality assembly output on specific hardware, when appropriate types are used (and you're on Nightly with the repr_simd and repr_align features enabled).

Let's have our cake and eat it too !

Can I use it on Stable ?

Yes ! Disable the repr_simd and repr_aligned features, but don't expect miracles to happen with regards to perf.

This crate misses one or more optimized operations for my target platform (or, some parts could be improved) !

I care about this. Whether you actually need them or not, file an issue on the Github repo and let's see what we can do.
However please avoid filing a PR before discussing the matter in an issue.

This crate is so slow to compile!

Try to disable default features, then selectively enable the ones you need.

Why can't I index a matrix directly (e.g write m[1][3]) ?

Because the actual meaning changes depending on the matrix's storage layout.
What you describe will probably do what you expect on row-major matrices, but how should it behave on column-major matrices ? vek's mantra is to stay true to reality, so if it had to do this, it would just index the public member cols in this case.

But here's the thing - if you decided to switch the layout, no m[i][j] access would behave as expected anymore, and there's no way the compiler could catch this.

For these reasons, in vek, it is almost always required that you explicitly use the matrix's public member instead, which conveys the intent and enforces correctness.
Here's how you index matrices this way (assuming, for instance, that i=1 and j=3):

  • Row-major, static indexing: (m.rows.1).3;
  • Row-major, dynamic indexing: m.rows[i][j];
  • Column-major, static indexing: (m.cols.3).1;
  • Column-major, dynamic indexing: m.cols[j][i];

In the same way, if you want to get a pointer to the matrix's data, for e.g transferring it to a graphics API, get the address of the public member explictly instead, which makes clear whether you're sending an array of rows or an array of columns.
If you're using OpenGL, check out the as_gl_uniform_params() method which is implemented on f32 matrices.

What's the deal with these repr_simd and repr_c modules ?

At first, when writing generics with #[repr(simd)], it might appear possible to write this :

pub struct Vec4<T>(pub T, pub T, pub T, pub T);
pub struct Mat4<T> { pub rows: Vec4<Vec4<T>> }

And it would indeed compile. However, at monomorphization time, you'll have compiler errors because #[repr(simd)] can only work on vectors of "machine types" (and a #[repr(simd)] vector is not itself such a "machine type" - curiously, neither are isize not usize).

So this means we have to end up with either this:

pub struct Vec4<T>(pub T, pub T, pub T, pub T);
pub struct Mat4<T> { pub rows: [Vec4<T> ; 4] }

or this :

pub struct Vec4<T>(pub T, pub T, pub T, pub T);
pub struct CVec4<T>(pub T, pub T, pub T, pub T);
pub struct Mat4<T> { pub rows: CVec4<Vec4<T>> }

The latter is what vek essentially does, and ensures that Vec4 and CVec4 provide the exact same API. There are more benefits than downsides from this approach, and more control for us (e.g alignment of structs). Yes, this does duplicate functionality, and no, it's not likely to be a problem except for compile times.

Why generics?

As much as 32-bit floating-point happens to be the most common case, the algorithms are universal, and there's no reason we wouldn't suddenly switch to, say, fixed-point numbers or bignums.

Fixed-point numbers provide a lot of goodies (e.g consistency of results across platforms and compiler options, useful for lockstep networking models) and I want to be able to switch to using them painlessly.
Bignums also come up as an interesting target, even though we might wonder in which cases we need more than 64-bit worth of integer values.

On the other hand, one thing that indeed plagues generics is that the code is written once but over-generalized, such that the compiler can't always "see" what the actual optimal code for the target hardware is.

#[repr(simd)] is good, but not a magic wand. It will lower basic vector operations into shuffles, packed arithmetic operations, etc.
However, it won't be able to guess when what you've just written is actually the "unpcklps" instruction (and there, the generated assembly is an awful bunch of "shufps" instead).
It happens that sometimes we do want to use the intrinsics directly, but we still want to be generic!

In most other languages, this would be unthinkable, but in Rust, with modules, macros, and plenty of other ergonomics, this is actually achievable, in a way not far from professionnal.

Why provide free functions in the public API ?

Having public target-dependant free frunctions allows users to use them with run-time feature detection (rather than compile time).

In addition, it does simplify this crate's architecture a bit.

Why don't I get pretty assembly on debug builds ?

Debug builds are what they are.

Also keep in mind that Rust checks for integer overflows on debug builds, so e.g your pretty Vec4<i32> addition won't be lowered to paddd on SSE2-enabled CPUs.

Why not [insert related crates here] ?

It probably looks a bit ridiculous to provide so much rationale in this section, but seeing how many crates I could have used out there instead of writing my own, I do feel this need to explain.

In my opinion:

Little to no attention is paid to the quality of the actual assembly output.

It's common to assume that the compiler can optimize everything (and often, it does) but it's a huge oversight for libraries that provide core types.

As a user, you might not realize that the "matrix * vector" products you use everywhere with library X take twice as many instructions as they should.
Yes, You won't see the difference in "most cases", but do define "most cases"!
In my experience, "most cases" is "moderately ambitious games running on x86-64 CPUs", which is why there's no noticeable slowdown, but that shouldn't get in the way of "potentially ambitious games running on PC, consoles and mobile devices".

Most libraries only ever provide one storage layout for matrices.

They're not to blame, since GLM does it too (even though it's a global setting that can be toggled).
However I think it's evil (and lazy) to just assume that there's only one layout users could be interested in.

Row-major matrices have their uses just as well as column-major ones. One should be allowed to pick the correct one for the job at any time and place.
For instance, column-major matrices are good at multiplying themselves by a column vector, which is the most common case in computer graphics (because it's how we transform vertices), but this doesn't mean this is somehow the One True Layout.
Row-major matrices are good at being the right-hand side of a product with a row vector. Also, one might just prefer them because of the indexing order. This all boils down to giving more control to the user.

Related to the above two, libraries don't clearly state which targets they were optimized for (and which operations are optimized).

I hope I'm making it clear that even though vek focuses on x86, there are efforts to make it able to reason about, say, ARM and others.

Such libraries provide the ubiquitous Vector types (which members are x, y, z and w), but no Rgb, Rgba, Extent or Uv types, which really are the same, but represent different intents.

A lack of such types is likely to make people use Vector2s for unsuited data such as a viewport/window size where an Extent2 (with w and h members) would better convey the intent (and even, in this case, guarantee correctness by being unsigned).

Some libraries, on the other hand, go crazy with new types (it's not bad, but it's essentially more and more abstraction).

I'm thinking about nalgebra, which remains a high-quality library, albeit a bit too high in abstraction space for 3D game engines.

When in doubt, vek favors explicitness and the reality (as in, "reality of the hardware" rather than "pretty pink pony mathematical reality").
This implies there's no AffineMat3 type or the likes - there are only matrices. If you want such a type, you're free to build it yourself by wrapping some functionality, but at the end of the day, you'll probably convert it to a matrix anyway.

Some libraries assume that their element types implement some kind of BaseFloat trait, which is good design, but now they're stuck to only floating-point numbers.

Welp, no fixed-point or bignums for you!

Some libraries provide their functionalities mostly through traits.
Again, this is good design. By providing a prelude module, they allow users to concisely import functionality without spelling out every trait every time.

It's a matter of personal taste, but I dislike having to do this.
Fundamentally, if I'm given an Rgba type, I don't want to have to import some ColorVector trait (or some prelude) to be able to call red() on it. The same goes for dot products, identity matrices, and whatever.

One (vecmath) only provides free functions (i.e no methods).

This is how it's done in C, but we can do much better in Rust.
I do prefer writing m * v instead of col_mat4_transform(m, v)!
However, it completely clicks with vecmath's stated goals. Also anyone could use these free functions as foundations to their own library.

It happens that I've needed (and written) vector and matrix types so much that I feel like I need some kind of definite, feature-complete, "end-all" solution.

Won't implement

What follows is a list of features that are purposefully not implemented.

Any iterator over matrices. Iterate over the public member instead.
Transpose the matrix if needed.

FromIterator for matrices. Collect the public member instead.

Indexing matrices directly.
Rationale :

Most people are tempted to write m[i][j] when i and j are known at compile-time, and might not realize that in Rust this semantically implies bounds checking at runtime.

Preventing them from being able to do this has these advantages:
First, they'll consider writing e.g (m.rows.1).3 or (m.cols.3).1 instead, which is not only checked at compile-time, but also explicit and ensures correctness. If the user suddenly decides to switch layouts, they'll get helpful compiler errors because the matrix's public member has changed, and therefore the meaning of indexing is flipped and requires attention.
We wouldn't have this "correctness check" if writing m[i][j] was allowed.

If one still wants dynamic indexing, they can write m.rows[i][j] or m.cols[j][i].

Divide matrix by matrix, because it is too confusing (and not always possible). Explicitly mutiply by the inverse (if possible) instead.

swap_* functions for matrices. People can use mem::swap() on members directly, bypassing bounds checking.

as_ptr() or as_mut_ptr(), because it's important to be explicit about giving an array of rows or columns. Explicitly turn the public member into a pointer instead.
as_gl_uniform_params() is the only exception.

invert_orthogonal() or invert_rotation(). It's better to explicitly call transpose() to invert a matrix that is known to be orthogonal.

Rad or Deg newtypes. It's unhandy and worthless - what do you want to check for ? Also floating-point types already have to_radians() and to_degrees() in Rust. Radians are used because they are the only sane angular unit. If you want to support degrees so bad, then write your own wrappers.

Indexing on Quaternions. Convert them to a Xyzw first instead.

Non-square matrices. It's a bit like EBCDIC, it exists but nobody actually uses it (in the context vek would be used, at least). The functionality can be emulated by using higher-order square matrix types and setting appropriate members to zero. If you're concerned about the space it takes in memory, don't forget that you can simply store vectors of vectors and convert them on-the-fly to square matrices, as needed.