vec-collections 0.3.6

Rust collections that are newtype wrappers around smallvec

# Vec-collections   [![Build Status]][travis] [![Latest Version]][] [![Docs Badge]][]

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# About

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This crate provides collections (sets and maps) that wrap [SmallVec].

# Use cases

## Small collections

It happens very frequently that you have collections that have on average just a very small number of elements. If you know
the maximum size or even the maximum _typical_ size in advance, you can use this crate to store such collections without allocations.
For a larger number of elements, the underlying [SmallVec] will allocate the elements on the heap as a single allocation.

## Read-heavy collections

Another very frequent pattern is that you have a possibly large collection that is being created once and then used readonly for
a long time. E.g. lookup tables. In these cases, ease of adding individual new elements is less important than compact in-memory
representation and lookup performance. This crate provides succinct collections that have only a very small constant overhead over
the contents of the collections.

# Performance

Performance for bulk creation as well as lookup is better than [BTreeMap]/[BTreeSet] and comparable with [HashMap]/[HashSet] for
types with a cheap [Ord] instance, like primitive types, and small to medium sizes. Performance for insertion or removal of
individual elements to/from large collections is bad, however. This is not the intended use case.

# Collections overview

## [VecSet]

Provides a set backed by a [SmallVec] of elements.

## [VecMap]

Provides a map backed by a [SmallVec] of key value pairs.

## [TotalVecSet]

A [VecSet] with an additional flag so it can support negation. This way it is possible to represent e.g. the set of all u64 except 1.

## [TotalVecMap]

A [VecMap] with an additional default value, so lookup is a total function.

# Unsafe

The in place operations use unsafe code. If that is a problem for you, let me know and I can hide them behind a feature.

[VecSet]: struct.VecSet.html
[VecMap]: struct.VecMap.html
[TotalVecSet]: struct.TotalVecSet
[TotalVecMap]: struct.TotalVecMap

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