vcpkg 0.1.2

A library to find native dependencies in a vcpkg tree at build time in order to be used in Cargo build scripts.

A build dependency for Cargo libraries to find libraries in a vcpkg tree.

A number of environment variables are available to globally configure which libraries are selected.

  • VCPKG_ROOT - Set the directory to look in for a vcpkg installation. If it is not set, vcpkg will use the user-wide installation if one has been set up with vcpkg integrate install

  • FOO_NO_VCPKG - if set, vcpkg will not attempt to find the library named foo.

There are also a number of environment variables which can configure how a library is linked to (dynamically vs statically). These variables control whether the --static flag is passed. Note that this behavior can be overridden by configuring explicitly on Config. The variables are checked in the following order:

  • FOO_STATIC - find the static version of foo
  • FOO_DYNAMIC - find the dll version of foo
  • VCPKG_ALL_STATIC - find the static version of all libraries
  • VCPKG_ALL_DYNAMIC - find the dll version of all libraries

If the search was successful all appropriate Cargo metadata will be printed on stdout.

This cargo build helper is derived from and intended to work like the pkg-config build helper to the extent that is possible, but pkg-config the tool has functionality that vcpkg does not. In particular, vcpkg does not allow mapping from a package name to the libs that it provides, so this build helper must be called once for each library that is required rather than once for the overall package. A better interface is no doubt possible.

There is a companion crate vcpkg_cli that allows testing of environment and flag combinations.

C:\src> vcpkg_cli probe -l static mysqlclient
Found library mysqlclient
Include paths:
Library paths:
Cargo metadata: