vault 1.0.0

A parser for Company of Heroes 2 replay files. Valid for replays generated since UKF release (version 19545).
# vault

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`vault` is a Company of Heroes 2 replay parsing library written in [Rust]( It has evolved from work done by a number of individuals in the Company of Heroes community, most notably Seb and pingtoft, and has been helped along by the assistance of Relic Entertainment. This particular project is a rewrite and extension of a parser written by Seb, which itself was an extension of my original PHP port of pingtoft's C# Company of Heroes parsing code. Its goal is to provide a robust, complete, and flexible interface into Company of Heroes 2 replay files through a general library that can be used in a variety of environments and languages. It is also written to be fast and to take advantage of Rust's thread and memory safety features.

## File & Version Support

Currently `vault` supports Company of Heroes 2 replays recorded on version 19545 or newer. This was the first version after the release of the British forces expansion.

`vault` can handle parsing individual files, archived files in the zip format (`.zip` only, not `.7z` currently), and directories of replay files. When parsing an archive, all `.rec` files inside the archive and its subfolders will be parsed. When parsing a directory, all `.rec` and `.zip` files at that directory level will be parsed. `vault` currently will not recursively traverse subdirectories when parsing directories.

## flank

`flank` is a very basic CLI parsing application for CoH2 replays written using this library as a proof of concept and reference point. It is currently powering [COH2.ORG's replay section]( If you would like to try it out or look through the code, [it is available on GitHub](

# Usage

## Rust

If you are writing a Rust application, you can use `vault` from [](


vault = "1"


extern crate vault;

use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    let path = Path::new("/path/to/replay.rec");
    let replay = vault::parse_replay(&path, None).unwrap();
    println!("{}", replay.version);

`vault`'s `Replay` type can also be serialized to JSON using `rustc_serialize`.

### Configuration

Each of `vault`'s `parse` functions can be passed an `Option<Config>`, which controls the behaviour of the replay parser during parsing. If `None` is passed, the default configuration shown below is used. See documentation for a more detailed look at what each configuration setting does.

strict = false          // If true, only .rec files will be parsed
commands = true         // If true, commands will be parsed; if false, commands will be skipped
command_bytes = false   // If true, the byte sequence of all commands will be stored for debugging
clean_file = true       // If true, the replay byte stream will be emptied after parsing for cleaner JSON

### Features

`vault`'s core library is only able to parse single replay files. However, it includes reference implementations for multithreaded parsing of `.zip` archives as well as directories. These can be used in lieu of a custom implementation by enabling the appropriate feature flags.

In order to build with features enabled, run

$ cargo build --release --features="feature1 feature2"

Available features include:


Enables `.zip` archive parsing. This feature adds the `parse_archive` function which takes a `.zip` archive and parses every `.rec` file it finds inside.


Enables the `parse-archive` feature and extends it by adding `parse_directory` and `parse_any` functions. `parse_directory` takes a directory path and parses all `.rec` and `.zip` files at the first level of that path. `parse_any` takes a path to any file or directory and parses it based on the file extension.


Enables `clippy` linting on build. Useful only for development, and requires a nightly Rust compiler.


Enables FFI functionality. See below for details.

## FFI

`vault` can be called into from foreign code as easily as a C library. This can be used to parse replays with `vault` from a higher-level language such as Python or Javascript.

First, build `vault` from source with the `ffi` feature enabled. You're going to need the latest version of stable Rust.

$ git clone && cd vault
$ cargo build --release --features=ffi

The library you want to be using is ``, which you can find at `vault/target/release`. This library exposes two external functions for use over FFI:

pub extern fn parse_to_cstring(path: *const c_char) -> *mut c_char {
    // ...

This function takes a string path to a replay, archive, or directory and parses the replay file(s) it finds. It then serializes the result and passes it back to the caller as a JSON string.

pub extern fn free_cstring(ptr: *mut c_char) {
    // ...

This function takes the pointer passed back from `parse_to_cstring` and deallocates its memory. Every call to `parse_to_cstring` must have a matching call to `free_cstring` in order to prevent memory leaks. `free_cstring` is the only way to safely deallocate the pointer returned by `parse_to_cstring`.


var ffi = require('ffi');
var ref = require('ref');

var charPtr = ref.refType(ref.types.CString);

var lib = ffi.Library('/path/to/vault/target/release/libvault', {
    'parse_to_cstring': [charPtr, ['string']],
    'free_cstring': ['void', [charPtr]]

var path = '/path/to/replay.rec';
var ptr = lib.parse_to_cstring(path);
var str = ref.readCString(ptr, 0);


**IMPORTANT**: Failing to call `free_cstring` on the pointer returned by `parse_to_cstring` will cause a memory leak, and calling `free_cstring` on another pointer will likely cause a segfault.

# Documentation

Documentation for `vault` [can be viewed online](

Alternatively, you can easily build an offline copy of the documentation for yourself with `cargo`:

$ cargo doc --features=parse-all

For documentation that includes the FFI functions available with the `ffi` feature, run:

$ cargo doc --features="parse-all ffi"

The resulting documentation can then be found at `vault/target/doc`.

# License