vault 0.2.1

A parser for Company of Heroes 2 replay files. Valid for replays generated on versions 19545 thru 19696.


vault is a Company of Heroes 2 replay parsing library written in Rust. It has evolved from work done by a number of individuals in the Company of Heroes community, most notably Seb and pingtoft, and has been helped along by the assistance of Relic Entertainment. This particular project is a rewrite and extension of a parser written by Seb, which itself was an extension of my original PHP port of pingtoft's C# Company of Heroes parsing code. Its goal is to provide a robust, complete, and flexible interface into Company of Heroes 2 replay files through a general library that can be used in a variety of environments and languages. It is also written to be fast and to take advantage of Rust's thread and memory safety features.

File & Version Support

Currently vault supports Company of Heroes 2 replays recorded on version 19545 or newer. This was the first version after the release of the British forces expansion.

vault can handle parsing individual files, archived files in the zip format (.zip only, not .7z currently), and directories of replay files. When parsing an archive, all .rec files inside the archive and its subfolders will be parsed. When parsing a directory, all .rec and .zip files at that directory level will be parsed. vault currently will not recursively traverse subdirectories when parsing directories.


flank is a very basic CLI parsing application for CoH2 replays written using this library as a proof of concept and reference point. It is currently powering COH2.ORG's replay section. If you would like to try it out or look through the code, it is available on GitHub.



If you are writing a Rust application, you can use vault from


vault = "0.2"


extern crate vault;

use std::path::Path;
use vault::Vault;

fn main() {
    let path = Path::new("/path/to/replay.rec");
    let vault = Vault::parse(&path).unwrap();
    println!("{}", vault.to_json().unwrap());


vault can be called into from foreign code as easily as a C library. This can be used to parse replays with vault from a higher-level language such as Python or Javascript.

First, build vault from source with the ffi feature enabled. You're going to need the latest version of stable Rust:

$ rustc -V
rustc 1.4.0 (...)
$ git clone && cd vault
$ cargo build --release --features=ffi

The library you want to be using is, which you can find at vault/target/release. This library exposes two external functions for use over FFI:

pub extern fn parse_to_cstring(path: *const c_char) -> *mut c_char {
    // ...

This function takes a string path to a replay, archive, or directory and parses the replay file(s) it finds. It then serializes the result and passes it back to the caller as a JSON string.

pub extern fn free_cstring(ptr: *mut c_char) {
    // ...

This function takes the pointer passed back from parse_to_cstring and deallocates its memory. Every call to parse_to_cstring must have a matching call to free_cstring in order to prevent memory leaks. free_cstring is the only way to safely deallocate the pointer returned by parse_to_cstring.


var ffi = require('ffi');
var ref = require('ref');

var charPtr = ref.refType(ref.types.CString);

var lib = ffi.Library('/path/to/vault/target/release/libvault', {
    'parse_to_cstring': [charPtr, ['string']],
    'free_cstring': ['void', [charPtr]]

var path = '/path/to/replay.rec';
var ptr = lib.parse_to_cstring(path);
var str = ref.readCString(ptr, 0);


IMPORTANT: Failing to call free_cstring on the pointer returned by parse_to_cstring will cause a memory leak, and calling free_cstring on another pointer will likely cause a segfault.


Documentation for vault can be viewed online.

Alternatively, you can easily build an offline copy of the documentation for yourself with cargo:

$ cargo doc

For documentation that includes the FFI functions available with the ffi feature, run:

$ cargo doc --features=ffi

The resulting documentation can then be found at vault/target/doc.
