Trait varpro::model::SeparableNonlinearModel

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pub trait SeparableNonlinearModel{
    type ScalarType: Scalar;
    type Error: Error + Send;

    // Required methods
    fn parameter_count(&self) -> usize;
    fn base_function_count(&self) -> usize;
    fn output_len(&self) -> usize;
    fn set_params(
        &mut self,
        parameters: OVector<Self::ScalarType, Dyn>
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
    fn params(&self) -> OVector<Self::ScalarType, Dyn>;
    fn eval(&self) -> Result<OMatrix<Self::ScalarType, Dyn, Dyn>, Self::Error>;
    fn eval_partial_deriv(
        derivative_index: usize
    ) -> Result<OMatrix<Self::ScalarType, Dyn, Dyn>, Self::Error>;
Expand description

Represents an abstraction for a separable nonlinear model


A separable nonlinear model is a nonlinear, vector valued function function $\vec{f}(\vec{\alpha},\vec{c}) \in \mathbb{C}^n$ which depends on

  • the nonlinear model parameters $\vec{\alpha}$.
  • and a number of linear parameters $\vec{c}$

The model is a real valued or complex valued function of the model parameters. The model is vector valued, i.e. it returns a vector of $n$ values.

Separable means that the nonlinear model function can be written as the linear combination of $M$ nonlinear base functions , i.e.

\vec{f}(\vec{x},\vec{\alpha},\vec{c}) = \sum_{j=1}^M c_j \cdot \vec{f}_j(S_j(\vec{\alpha})),

where $\vec{c}=(c_1,\dots,c_M)$ are the coefficients of the model base functions $f_j$ and $S_j(\vec{\alpha})$ is a subset of the nonlinear model parameters that may be different for each model function. The base functions should depend on the model parameters nonlinearly. Linear parameters should be in the coefficient vector $\vec{c}$ only.

§Important Considerations for Base Functions

We have already stated that the base functions should depend on their parameter subset $S_j(\vec{\alpha})$ in a non-linear manner. Linear dependencies should be rewritten in such a way that we can stick them into the coefficient vector $\vec{c}$. It is not strictly necessary to do that, but it will only make the fitting process slower and less robust. The great strength of varpro comes from treating the linear and nonlinear parameters differently.

Another important thing is to ensure that the base functions are not linearly dependent, at least not for all possible choices of $\vec{alpha}$. It is sometimes unavoidable that that model functions become linearly dependent for some combinations of model parameters. See also LevMarProblemBuilder::epsilon.

It perfectly fine for a base function to depend on all or none of the model parameters or any subset of the model parameters. There is also no restrictions on which base functions can depend on which nonlinear parameters.


There is two ways to get a type that implements the separable nonlinear model trait. Firstly, you can obviously create your own type and make it implement this trait. Secondly you can use the crate::model::builder::SeparableModelBuilder in this crate.

§Using the Builder

The simplest way to build an instance of a model us to use the SeparableModelBuilder to create a model from a set of base functions and their derivatives. Then pass this to a solver for solving for both the linear coefficients as well as the nonlinear parameters. This is definitely recommended for prototyping and it might already be enough for a production implementation as it should already run way faster and more stable than just using a least squares backend directly.

§Manual Implementation

For maximum performance, you can also write your own type that implements this trait. An immediate advantage of this is that you can cache the results of the base functions and reuse them in the derivatives as is often possible. This can be a huge performance boost if the base functions are expensive to compute. Also, you can avoid the indirection that the model builder introduces, although this should matter to a lesser degree.

§Manual Implementation Example

This example shows how to implement a double exponential decay with constant offset from hand and takes advantage of caching the intermediate calculations.

use varpro::prelude::*;
use nalgebra::{DVector,OVector,Vector2,DMatrix,OMatrix,DefaultAllocator,U2,U3,Dyn};
/// A separable model for double exponential decay
/// with a constant offset
/// f_j = c1*exp(-x_j/tau1) + c2*exp(-x_j/tau2) + c3
/// this is a handcrafted model which uses caching for
/// maximum performance.
/// This is an example of how to implement a separable model
/// using the trait directly without using the builder.
/// This allows us to use caching of the intermediate results
/// to calculate the derivatives more efficiently.
pub struct DoubleExpModelWithConstantOffsetSepModel {
    /// the x vector associated with this model.
    /// We make this configurable to enable models to
    /// work with different x coordinates, but this is
    /// not an inherent requirement. We don't have to have a
    /// field like this. The only requirement given by the trait
    /// is that the model can be queried about the length
    /// of its output
    x_vector : DVector<f64>,
    /// current parameters [tau1,tau2] of the exponential
    /// functions
    params : OVector<f64,Dyn>,
    /// cached evaluation of the model
    /// the matrix columns contain the complete evaluation
    /// of the model. That is the first column contains the
    /// exponential exp(-x/tau), the second column contains
    /// exp(-x/tau) both evaluated on the x vector. The third
    /// column contains a column of straight ones for the constant
    /// offset.
    /// This value is calculated in the set_params method, which is
    /// the only method with mutable access to the model state.
    eval : OMatrix<f64,Dyn,Dyn>,

impl DoubleExpModelWithConstantOffsetSepModel {
    /// create a new model with the given x vector and initial guesses
    /// for the exponential decay constants tau_1 and tau_2
    pub fn new(x_vector : DVector<f64>,(tau1_guess,tau2_guess):(f64,f64)) -> Self {
        let x_len = x_vector.len();
        let mut ret = Self {
            params : OVector::<f64,Dyn>::from_column_slice(&[tau1_guess,tau2_guess]),//<-- will be overwritten by set_params
            eval : OMatrix::zeros_generic(Dyn(x_len), Dyn(3))

impl SeparableNonlinearModel for DoubleExpModelWithConstantOffsetSepModel {
    /// we give a custom mddel error here, but we
    /// could also have indicated that our calculations cannot
    /// fail by using [`std::convert::Infallible`].
    type Error = varpro::model::errors::ModelError;
    /// the actual scalar type that our model uses for calculations
    type ScalarType = f64;

    fn parameter_count(&self) -> usize {
        // regardless of the fact that we know at compile time
        // that the length is 2, we still have to return it

    fn base_function_count(&self) -> usize {
        // same as above
    // we use this method not only to set the parameters inside the
    // model but we also cache some calculations. The advantage is that
    // we don't have to recalculate the exponential terms for either
    // the evaluations or the derivatives for the same parameters.
    fn set_params(&mut self, parameters : OVector<f64,Dyn>) -> Result<(),Self::Error> {
        // even if it is not the only thing we do, we still
        // have to update the internal parameters of the model
        self.params = parameters;

        // parameters expected in this order
        // use unsafe to avoid bounds checks
        let tau1 = unsafe { self.params.get_unchecked(0) };
        let tau2 = unsafe { self.params.get_unchecked(1) };

        // the exponential exp(-x/tau1)
        let f1 =|x| f64::exp(-x / tau1));
        // the exponential exp(-x/tau2)
        let f2 =|x| f64::exp(-x / tau2));

        self.eval.set_column(0, &f1);
        self.eval.set_column(1, &f2);
        self.eval.set_column(2, &DVector::from_element(self.x_vector.len(), 1.));

    fn params(&self) -> OVector<f64, Dyn> {
    // since we cached the model evaluation, we can just return
    // it here
    fn eval(
    ) -> Result<OMatrix<f64,Dyn,Dyn>, Self::Error> {
    // here we take advantage of the cached calculations
    // so that we do not have to recalculate the exponential
    // to calculate the derivative.
    fn eval_partial_deriv(
        derivative_index: usize,
    ) -> Result<nalgebra::OMatrix<f64,Dyn,Dyn>, Self::Error> {
        let location = &self.x_vector;
        let parameters = &self.params;
        // derivative index can be either 0,1 (corresponding to the linear parameters
        // tau1, tau2). Since only one of the basis functions depends on
        // tau_i, we can simplify calculations here

        let tau = parameters[derivative_index];
        // the only nonzero derivative is the derivative of the exp(-x/tau) for
        // the corresponding tau at derivative_index
        // we can use the precalculated results so we don't have to use the
        // exponential function again
        let df =|x| x / (tau * tau)).component_mul(&self.eval.column(derivative_index));

        // two of the columns are always zero when we differentiate
        // with respect to tau_1 or tau_2. Remember the constant term
        // also occupies one column and will always be zero when differentiated
        // with respect to the nonlinear params of the model
        let mut derivatives = OMatrix::zeros_generic(Dyn(location.len()), Dyn(3));

        derivatives.set_column(derivative_index, &df);

    fn output_len(&self) -> usize {
        // this is how we give a length that is only known at runtime.
        // We wrap it in a `Dyn` instance.

Required Associated Types§


type ScalarType: Scalar

the scalar number type for this model, which should be a real or complex number type, commonly either f64 or f32.


type Error: Error + Send

the associated error type that can occur when the model or the derivative is evaluated. If this model does not need (or for performance reasons does not want) to return an error, it is possible to specify std::convert::Infallible as the associated Error type.

Required Methods§


fn parameter_count(&self) -> usize

return the number of nonlinear parameters that this model depends on.


fn base_function_count(&self) -> usize

return the number of base functions that this model depends on.


fn output_len(&self) -> usize

return the dimension $n$ of the output of the model $\vec{f}(\vec{x},\vec{\alpha},\vec{c}) \in \mathbb{R}^n$. This is also the dimension of every single base function.


fn set_params( &mut self, parameters: OVector<Self::ScalarType, Dyn> ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>

Set the nonlinear parameters $\vec{\alpha}$ of the model to the given vector .


fn params(&self) -> OVector<Self::ScalarType, Dyn>

Get the currently set nonlinear parameters of the model, i.e. the vector $\vec{\alpha}$.


fn eval(&self) -> Result<OMatrix<Self::ScalarType, Dyn, Dyn>, Self::Error>

Evaluate the base functions of the model at the currently set parameters $\vec{\alpha}$ and return them in matrix form. The columns of this matrix are the evaluated base functions. See below for a detailed explanation.


As explained above, this method returns a matrix, whose columns are the base functions evaluated at the given parameters. More formally, if the model is written as a superposition of $M$ base functions like so:

\vec{f}(\vec{x},\vec{\alpha}) = \sum_{j=1}^M c_j \cdot \vec{f}_j(\vec{x},S_j(\vec{\alpha})),

then the matrix must look like this:

  \mathbf{\Phi}(\vec{x},\vec{\alpha}) \coloneqq
  \vert & \dots & \vert \\
  f_1(\vec{x},\vec{\alpha}) & \dots & f_M(\vec{x},\vec{\alpha}) \\
  \vert & \dots & \vert \\

The ordering of the function must not change between function calls and it must also be the same as for the evaluation of the derivatives. The j-th base function must be at the j-th column. The one thing to remember is that in Rust the matrix indices start at 0, so the first function is at column 0, and so on…


An error can be returned if the evaluation fails for some reason.


fn eval_partial_deriv( &self, derivative_index: usize ) -> Result<OMatrix<Self::ScalarType, Dyn, Dyn>, Self::Error>

Evaluate the partial derivatives for the base function at for the currently set parameters and return them in matrix form.

  • derivative_index: The index of the nonlinear parameter with respect to which partial derivative should be evaluated. We use zero based indexing here! Put in more simple terms, say your model has three nonlinear parameters a,b,c, so your vector of nonlinear parameters is $\vec{\alpha} = (a,b,c)$. Then index 0 requests $\partial/\partial_a$, index 1 requests $\partial/\partial_b$ and index 2 requests $\partial/\partial_c$.

Like the eval method, this method must return a matrix, whose columns are the correspond to the base functions evaluated at the given parameters and location. However, for this.

More formally, if the model is written as a superposition of $M$ base functions like so:

\vec{f}(\vec{x},\vec{\alpha}) = \sum_{j=1}^M c_j \cdot \vec{f}_j(\vec{x},S_j(\vec{\alpha})),

Further assume that our vector of nonlinear parameters looks like $\vec{\alpha} = (\alpha_1,...,\alpha_N)$ and that the partial derivative with respect to $\alpha_\ell$ (so the given derivative_index was $\ell-1$, since it is zero-based).

then the matrix must look like this:

  \mathbf{\Phi}(\vec{x},\vec{\alpha}) \coloneqq
  \vert & \dots & \vert \\
  \partial/\partial_{\alpha\ell} f_1(\vec{x},\vec{\alpha}) & \dots & \partial/\partial_{\alpha\ell} f_M(\vec{x},\vec{\alpha}) \\
  \vert & \dots & \vert \\

The order of the derivatives must be the same as in the model evaluation and must not change between method calls.


An error result is returned when

  • the parameters do not have the same length as the model parameters given when building the model
  • the basis functions do not produce a vector of the same length as the location argument $\vec{x}$
  • the given parameter index is out of bounds

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<ScalarType> SeparableNonlinearModel for SeparableModel<ScalarType>
where ScalarType: Scalar + Zero,


type ScalarType = ScalarType


type Error = ModelError