varpro 0.5.0

A straightforward nonlinear least-squares fitting library which uses the Variable Projection algorithm.
use crate::linalg_helpers::DiagDMatrix;
use nalgebra::{ClosedMul, ComplexField, DMatrix, DVector, Scalar};
use std::ops::Mul;

/// a variant for different weights that can be applied to a least squares problem
/// Right now covers only either unit weights (i.e. unweighted problem) or a diagonal
/// matrix for the weights. Can easily be extended in the future, because this structure
/// offers an interface for matrix-matrix multiplication and matrix-vector multiplication
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Weights<ScalarType>
    ScalarType: Scalar + ComplexField,
    /// unit weights, which means the problem is unweighted
    /// the weights are represented by a diagonal matrix

impl<ScalarType> Weights<ScalarType>
    ScalarType: Scalar + ComplexField,
    /// create diagonal weights with the given diagonal elements of a matrix.
    /// The resulting diagonal matrix is a square matrix with the given diagonal
    /// elements and all off-diagonal elements set to zero
    /// Make sure that the dimensions of the weights match the data that they
    /// should be applied to
    pub fn diagonal<VectorType>(diagonal: VectorType) -> Self
        DVector<ScalarType>: From<VectorType>,

    /// check that the weights are appropriately sized for the given data vector, so that
    /// they can be applied without panic. For unit weights this is always true, but for diagonal
    /// weights it is not.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `data_len`: the number of elements in the data vector
    pub fn is_size_correct_for_data_length(&self, data_len: usize) -> bool {
        match self {
            Weights::Unit => true,
            Weights::Diagonal(diag) => diag.size() == data_len,

/// Get a variant representing unit weights (i.e. unweighted problem)
impl<ScalarType> Default for Weights<ScalarType>
    ScalarType: Scalar + ComplexField,
    fn default() -> Self {

/// create diagonal weights using the given diagonal matrix
impl<ScalarType> From<DiagDMatrix<ScalarType>> for Weights<ScalarType>
    ScalarType: Scalar + ComplexField,
    fn from(diag: DiagDMatrix<ScalarType>) -> Self {

/// A convenience method that allows to multiply weights to a matrix from the left.
/// This performs the matrix multiplication corresponding to the weight matrix. However,
/// since the method knows e.g. if the weights are diagonal or unit it can take shortcuts
/// and make the operation more efficient. It is a no-op if the weights are unit.
/// # Panics
/// If the matrix matrix multiplication fails because of incorrect dimensions.
/// (unit weights never panic)
impl<ScalarType> Mul<DMatrix<ScalarType>> for &Weights<ScalarType>
    ScalarType: ClosedMul + Scalar + ComplexField,
    type Output = DMatrix<ScalarType>;

    fn mul(self, rhs: DMatrix<ScalarType>) -> Self::Output {
        match self {
            Weights::Unit => rhs,
            Weights::Diagonal(W) => W * &rhs,

/// Matrix-vector product of the diagonal matrix and the given vector
/// # Panics
/// operation panics if the matrix and vector dimensions are incorrect for a product
/// (unit weights never panic)
impl<ScalarType> Mul<DVector<ScalarType>> for &Weights<ScalarType>
    ScalarType: ClosedMul + Scalar + ComplexField,
    type Output = DVector<ScalarType>;

    fn mul(self, rhs: DVector<ScalarType>) -> Self::Output {
        match self {
            Weights::Unit => rhs,
            Weights::Diagonal(W) => W * &rhs,

mod test {
    use crate::solvers::levmar::weights::Weights;
    use nalgebra::{DMatrix, DVector};

    fn unit_weight_produce_correct_results_when_multiplied_to_matrix_or_vector() {
        let W = Weights::default();
        let v = DVector::from(vec![1., 3., 3., 7.]);
        let A = DMatrix::from_element(4, 4, 2.0);

        assert_eq!(&W * v.clone(), v);
        assert_eq!(&W * A.clone(), A);

    fn diagonal_weights_produce_correct_results_when_multiplied_to_matrix_or_vector() {
        let diagonal = DVector::from(vec![3., 78., 6., 5.]);
        let D = DMatrix::from_diagonal(&diagonal);
        let W = Weights::diagonal(diagonal);

        let v = DVector::from(vec![1., 3., 3., 7.]);
        let mut A = DMatrix::from_element(4, 2, 0.);
        A.set_column(0, &DVector::from(vec![32., 5., 86., 51.]));
        A.set_column(1, &DVector::from(vec![65., 46., 8., 85.]));

        assert_eq!(&D * &v, &W * v);
        assert_eq!(&D * &A, &W * A);