varpro 0.5.0

A straightforward nonlinear least-squares fitting library which uses the Variable Projection algorithm.
use thiserror::Error as ThisError;

/// Errors pertaining to use errors of the [SeparableModel].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, ThisError, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ModelError {
    /// Base functions are expected to return a vector the same length as the location argument.
    /// A function did not adhere to that rule.
        "Base function gave vector of length {}, but expected output length was {}",
    UnexpectedFunctionOutput {
        /// the expected length
        expected_length: usize,
        /// the actual length
        actual_length: usize,

    /// Indicates an evaluation for a parameter was requested that is not part of the model parameters
    #[error("Parameter '{}' is not in model", parameter)]
    ParameterNotInModel {
        /// the parameter that was not part of the model
        parameter: String,

    /// Indicates that the given derivative index is out of bounds.
    #[error("Index {} for derivative is out of bounds", index)]
    DerivativeIndexOutOfBounds {
        /// the index of the derivative out of bounds
        index: usize,

    /// It was tried to evaluate a model with an incorrect number of parameters
    #[error("Model takes {} parameters, but {} were provide.", required, actual)]
    IncorrectParameterCount {
        /// the number of parameters that are required for the model
        required: usize,
        /// the given number of parameters
        actual: usize,