varnish 0.0.12

Access to the Varnish modules API
//! Expose the Varnish context (`struct vrt_ctx`) as a Rust object
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::os::raw::{c_uint, c_void};

use crate::vcl::http::HTTP;
use crate::vcl::ws::{TestWS, WS};
use std::ptr;
use varnish_sys::{
    busyobj, req, sess, vrt_ctx, vsb, vsl_log, ws, VSL_tag_e_SLT_Debug, VSL_tag_e_SLT_Error,
    VSL_tag_e_SLT_VCL_Error, VSL_tag_e_SLT_Backend_health, VSL_tag_e_SLT_FetchError, VCL_HTTP, VCL_VCL, VRT_CTX_MAGIC,

/// VSL logging tag
/// An `enum` wrapper around [VSL tags](
/// Only the most current tags (for vmod writers) are mapped, and [`LogTag::Any`] will allow to
/// directly pass a native tag code (`varnish_sys::VSL_tag_e_SLT_*`).
pub enum LogTag {

impl LogTag {
    pub fn into_u32(&self) -> u32 {
        match self {
            LogTag::Debug => VSL_tag_e_SLT_Debug,
            LogTag::Error => VSL_tag_e_SLT_Error,
            LogTag::VclError => VSL_tag_e_SLT_VCL_Error,
            LogTag::FetchError => VSL_tag_e_SLT_FetchError,
            LogTag::BackendHealth => VSL_tag_e_SLT_Backend_health,
            LogTag::Any(n) => *n,

/// VCL context
/// A mutable reference to this structure is always passed to vmod functions and provides access to
/// the available HTTP objects, as well as the workspace.
/// This struct is a pure Rust structure, mirroring some of the C fields, so you should always use
/// the provided methods to interact with them. If they are not enough, the `raw` field is actually
/// the C original pointer that can be used to directly, and unsafely, act on the structure.
/// Which `http_*` are present will depend on which VCL sub routine the function is called from.
/// ``` rust
/// use varnish::vcl::ctx::Ctx;
/// fn foo(ctx: &Ctx) {
///     if let Some(ref req) = ctx.http_req {
///         for (name, value) in req {
///             println!("header {} has value {}", name, value);
///         }
///     }
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Ctx<'a> {
    pub raw: &'a mut varnish_sys::vrt_ctx,
    pub http_req: Option<HTTP<'a>>,
    pub http_req_top: Option<HTTP<'a>>,
    pub http_resp: Option<HTTP<'a>>,
    pub http_bereq: Option<HTTP<'a>>,
    pub http_beresp: Option<HTTP<'a>>,
    pub ws: WS<'a>,

impl<'a> Ctx<'a> {
    /// Wrap a raw pointer into an object we can use.
    /// The pointer must be non-null, and the magic must match
    pub fn new(raw: *mut varnish_sys::vrt_ctx) -> Self {
        let raw = unsafe { raw.as_mut().unwrap() };
        assert_eq!(raw.magic, varnish_sys::VRT_CTX_MAGIC);
        let http_req = HTTP::new(raw.http_req);
        let http_req_top = HTTP::new(raw.http_req_top);
        let http_resp = HTTP::new(raw.http_resp);
        let http_bereq = HTTP::new(raw.http_bereq);
        let http_beresp = HTTP::new(raw.http_beresp);
        let ws = WS::new(;
        Ctx {

    /// Log an error message and fail the current VSL task.
    /// Once the control goes back to Varnish, it will see that the transaction was marked as fail
    /// and will return a synthetic error to the client.
    pub fn fail(&mut self, msg: &str) -> u8 {
        // not great, we have to copy the string to add a null character
        let c_cstring = CString::new(msg).unwrap();
        unsafe {
            VRT_fail(self.raw, "%s\0".as_ptr() as *const i8, c_cstring.as_ptr());

    /// Log a message, attached to the current context
    pub fn log(&mut self, logtag: LogTag, msg: &str) {
        unsafe {
            let p = *self.raw;
            if p.vsl.is_null() {
                log(logtag, msg);
            } else {
                let t = varnish_sys::txt {
                    b: msg.as_ptr() as *const i8,
                    e: msg.as_ptr().add(msg.len()) as *const i8,
                varnish_sys::VSLbt(p.vsl, logtag.into_u32(), t);


    pub fn cached_req_body(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<&'a [u8]>, String> {
        unsafe extern "C" fn chunk_collector<'a>(
            priv_: *mut c_void,
            _flush: c_uint,
            ptr: *const c_void,
            len: std::os::raw::c_long,
        ) -> std::os::raw::c_int {
            let v = (priv_ as *mut Vec<&'a [u8]>).as_mut().unwrap();
            let buf = std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr as *const u8, len as usize);

        let req = unsafe {
                .ok_or("req object isn't available".to_owned())?
        unsafe {
            if req.req_body_status != varnish_sys::BS_CACHED.as_ptr() {
                return Err("request body hasn't been previously cached".to_owned());
        let mut v: Box<Vec<&'a [u8]>> = Box::new(Vec::new());
        let p: *mut Vec<&'a [u8]> = &mut *v;
        match unsafe {
                p as *mut c_void,
        } {
            0 => Ok(*v),
            _ => Err("req.body iteration failed".to_owned()),

/// A struct holding both a native vrt_ctx struct, as well as the space it points to.
/// As the name implies, this struct mainly exist to facilitate testing and should probably not be
/// used elsewhere.
pub struct TestCtx {
    vrt_ctx: vrt_ctx,
    test_ws: TestWS,

impl TestCtx {
    /// Instantiate a vrt_ctx, as well as the workspace (of size `sz`) it links to.
    pub fn new(sz: usize) -> Self {
        let mut test_ctx = TestCtx {
            vrt_ctx: vrt_ctx {
                magic: VRT_CTX_MAGIC,
                syntax: 0,
                method: 0,
                vclver: 0,
                msg: ptr::null::<vsb>() as *mut vsb,
                vsl: ptr::null::<vsl_log>() as *mut vsl_log,
                vcl: ptr::null::<VCL_VCL>() as VCL_VCL,
                ws: std::ptr::null_mut::<ws>(),
                sp: ptr::null::<sess>() as *mut sess,
                req: ptr::null::<req>() as *mut req,
                http_req: ptr::null::<VCL_HTTP>() as VCL_HTTP,
                http_req_top: ptr::null::<VCL_HTTP>() as VCL_HTTP,
                http_resp: ptr::null::<VCL_HTTP>() as VCL_HTTP,
                bo: ptr::null::<VCL_HTTP>() as *mut busyobj,
                http_bereq: ptr::null::<VCL_HTTP>() as VCL_HTTP,
                http_beresp: ptr::null::<VCL_HTTP>() as VCL_HTTP,
                now: 0.0,
                specific: ptr::null::<VCL_HTTP>() as *mut c_void,
                called: ptr::null::<vsb>() as *mut c_void,
                vpi: ptr::null::<vsb>() as *mut varnish_sys::wrk_vpi,
            test_ws: TestWS::new(sz),
        }; = test_ctx.test_ws.as_ptr();

    pub fn ctx(&mut self) -> Ctx {
        Ctx::new(&mut self.vrt_ctx)

fn ctx_test() {
    let mut test_ctx = TestCtx::new(100);

/// Qualify a VCL phase, mainly consumed by vmod `event` functions.
pub enum Event {

impl Event {
    /// Create a new event from a [`varnish_sys::vcl_event_e`]. Note that it *will panic* if
    /// provided with an invalid number.
    pub fn new(event: varnish_sys::vcl_event_e) -> Self {
        match event {
            varnish_sys::vcl_event_e_VCL_EVENT_LOAD => Event::Load,
            varnish_sys::vcl_event_e_VCL_EVENT_WARM => Event::Warm,
            varnish_sys::vcl_event_e_VCL_EVENT_COLD => Event::Cold,
            varnish_sys::vcl_event_e_VCL_EVENT_DISCARD => Event::Discard,
            _ => panic!("invalid event number"),

// TODO: avoid Stringification
pub fn log(logtag: LogTag, msg: &str) {
    unsafe {
        let c_cstring = CString::new(msg).unwrap();
        varnish_sys::VSL(logtag.into_u32(), 0, b"%s\0".as_ptr() as *const i8, c_cstring.as_ptr() as *const u8);