Crate varlink

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Server and client support for the varlink protocol


To create a varlink server in rust, place your varlink interface definition file in src/. E.g. src/

Then create a file in your project directory:

extern crate varlink_generator;

fn main() {
                                             /* rustfmt */ true);

For more code generation functions see the generator functions.

Add to your Cargo.toml:

build = ""
varlink_generator = "5.0"

In your you can then use:

mod org_example_ping;

and then implement the interface:

struct MyOrgExamplePing;

impl VarlinkInterface for MyOrgExamplePing {
    fn ping(&self, call: &mut Call_Ping, ping: String) -> Result<()> {
        return call.reply(ping);

to implement the interface methods.

If your varlink method is called TestMethod, the rust method to be implemented is called test_method. The first parameter is of type Call_TestMethod, which has the method reply().

fn test_method(&self, call: &mut Call_TestMethod, /* more arguments */) -> Result<()> {
    /* ... */
    return call.reply( /* more arguments */ );

A typical server creates a VarlinkService and starts a server via varlink::listen

let args: Vec<_> = std::env::args().collect();
let myorgexampleping = MyOrgExamplePing;
let myorgexampleping_interface = org_example_ping::new(Box::new(myorgexampleping));

let service = varlink::VarlinkService::new(
    "test service",
    ], // more interfaces ...

varlink::listen(service, &args[1], 1, 10, 0);

where args[1] would follow the varlink address specification.

Currently supported address URIs are:

  • TCP tcp: hostname/IP address and port
  • UNIX socket unix:/run/org.example.ftl optional access ;mode=0666 parameter
  • UNIX abstract namespace socket unix:@org.example.ftl (on Linux only)


Setup your project, just like in the server case with a varlink file and a file.

In your you can then use:

 mod org_example_ping;
 use org_example_ping;
 let connection = Connection::with_address("unix:/tmp/").unwrap();
 let mut ping_service = org_example_ping::VarlinkClient::new(connection);
 let reply ="Test")).call()?;
 assert_eq!(String::from("Test"), reply.pong);

A connection can be established via the connection builder functions. The org_example_ping::VarlinkClient implements org_example_ping::VarlinkClientInterface, which has all the varlink methods (names converted from camel case to lowercase snake case). The PingString() method would be named ping_string().

To iterate over a more call

 for reply in my_more_service.test_more(/* params */).more()? { /*...*/ }

The reply struct is placed in a structure named after the method with _Reply appended. So, the reply to the Ping() method in our example is in a struct called Ping_Reply.



Call is a struct, which is passed as the first argument to the interface methods in a derived form.
A client connection builder to a varlink service.
The structure of a varlink reply. Used to deserialize it into json.
The structure of a varlink request. Used to serialize json into it.
VarlinkService handles all the I/O and dispatches method calls to the registered interfaces.



CallTrait provides convenience methods for the Call struct, which is passed as the first argument to the interface methods.
This trait has to be implemented by any varlink interface implementor. All methods are generated by the varlink-rust-generator, so you don’t have to care about them.
Marker trait for the rust code generated by the varlink-rust-generator


listen creates a server, with num_worker threads listening on varlink_uri.

Type Definitions