value_from_type_macros 1.0.2

Implement enum (and cast methods) for a set of struct types

Value from Type -Macros

Latest Version Rust Documentation

Procedural macro attribute to match structure types with an enum variant.

This macro can be applied on a module to make a connection between each defined struct and a newly created enum type. This enum is built into the same module as the macro is invocated upon. The macro will also implement value_from_type_traits::FromType on the enum for each struct (within the module) as generic argument.


extern crate value_from_type_macros;
extern crate value_from_type_traits;

// Attribute macro must be imported through a use statement.
use value_from_type_macros::value_from_type;
// Implemented trait on `EnumName`
use value_from_type_traits::IntoEnum;

mod temp {
    // The parameter indicates the enum identifier.

    pub struct X(); 
// Explicit import for sake of example.
use self::temp::{EnumName, X};
// use self::temp::*;

fn main() {
	assert_eq!(EnumName::X, X::into_enum()); 