[][src]Crate validbr

Representation of Brazilian registries: CPF, CNPJ, RG, CNH, CEP and Credit Card Number.

validbr also provides validation for CPJ, CNPJ, CNH and Credit Card Number and a builtin database of brazilian CEP, Cities and States.


Consist in 9 digits separated in partitions of 3 with . and two verifier digits separated by a - prefix, for example: 123.456.789-09.

Example of usage of CPF struct

use validbr::Cpf;
let cpf = Cpf::parse_str("123.456.789-09");
assert_eq!(cpf, Ok(Cpf { digits: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], verifier_digits: [0, 9]}));

Supported formats

Cpf::parse_str only supports following formats:

  • ###.###.###-## (Commonly represented CPF)
  • ########### (Only digits CPF).


Consists in eight numbers separated by a . in partitions for 3 (except for the first two digits which are separated from the last two groups), a company branch number digit composed of four digits, separated by a prefix / and two last verifier digits prefixed with -, example: 12.345.678/0001-95.

Example of usage of CNPJ struct

use validbr::Cnpj;
let cpf = Cnpj::parse_str("12.345.678/0001-95");
assert_eq!(cpf, Ok(Cnpj { digits: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], branch_digits: [0, 0, 0, 1], verifier_digits: [9, 5]}));

Supported formats

Cnpj::parse_str only supports following formats:

  • ##.###.###/####-## (Commonly represented CNPJ)
  • ############## (Only digits CNPJ).


Serde support

validbr supports serde serialization, which must be enabled with feature flag, for example:

validbr = { version = "0.1", features = ["serde"] }

rand support

validbr also supports randomly generated CPF and CNPJ through rand crate, which must be enabled with feature flag, for example:

validbr = { version = "0.1", features = ["rand"] }

Enable all

You could enable all features using complete flag:

validbr = { version = "0.1", features = ["complete"] }



Array append utilities.


Cnpj utility functions


Cpf utility functions



Converts every i32 in iterator $iter to a u8 value.


Converts each item of $expr to String and then join all them into a single String without any separator.



CNPJ consists of eight based digits, four digits for the branch (the number of the registered company) and two verifier digits.


CPF consists of nine digits and two verifier digits.