validators-derive 0.22.4

This is a library for validating and modeling user input and this crate provides a procedural macro to define validators with optional parameters.
name = "validators-derive"
version = "0.22.4"
authors = ["Magic Len <>"]
edition = "2018"
repository = ""
homepage = ""
keywords = ["validator", "validation", "user", "serde", "rocket"]
categories = ["no-std", "parser-implementations", "value-formatting", "rust-patterns"]
description = "This is a library for validating and modeling user input and this crate provides a procedural macro to define validators with optional parameters."
readme = ""
license = "MIT"
include = ["src/**/*", "Cargo.toml", "", "LICENSE"]

repository = "magiclen/validators"
branch = "master"

proc-macro = true

validators-options = { version = "0.22", path = "../validators-options" }
validators = { version = "0.22.1", path = "../validators" }

proc-macro2 = "1"
syn = "1"
quote = "1"

educe = "0.4"
enum-ordinalize = "3.1"

phonenumber = { version = "0.3", optional = true }
regex-dep = { package = "regex", version = "1", optional = true }

lazy_static = "1.4"
once_cell = "1.4"

default = ["full"]
std = ["validators/std"]

full = [

base32 = ["validators/base32"]
base32_decoded = ["validators/base32_decoded"]
base64 = ["validators/base64"]
base64_decoded = ["validators/base64_decoded"]
base64_url = ["validators/base64_url"]
base64_url_decoded = ["validators/base64_url_decoded"]
boolean = ["validators/boolean"]
domain = ["validators/domain"]
email = ["validators/email"]
host = ["validators/host"]
http_url = ["validators/http_url"]
http_ftp_url = ["validators/http_ftp_url"]
ip = ["validators/ip"]
ipv4 = ["validators/ipv4"]
ipv6 = ["validators/ipv6"]
json = ["validators/json"]
length = ["validators/length"]
line = ["validators/line"]
mac_address = ["validators/mac_address"]
number = ["validators/number"]
phone = ["validators/phone", "std", "phonenumber"]
regex = ["validators/regex", "regex-dep"]
semver = ["validators/semver"]
semver_req = ["validators/semver_req"]
signed_integer = ["validators/signed_integer"]
text = ["validators/text"]
unsigned_integer = ["validators/unsigned_integer"]
url = ["validators/url"]
uuid = ["validators/uuid"]

serde = ["validators/serde"]
rocket = ["validators/rocket"]

all-features = true