Expand description

Contains functions for using the global GL loader.


glActiveShaderProgram(pipeline, program) pipeline class: program pipeline program class: program

glActiveTexture(texture) texture group: TextureUnit

glAttachShader(program, shader) program class: program shader class: shader

glBeginQuery(target, id) target group: QueryTarget id class: query

glBeginTransformFeedback(primitiveMode) primitiveMode group: PrimitiveType

glBindAttribLocation(program, index, name) program class: program

glBindBuffer(target, buffer) target group: BufferTargetARB buffer class: buffer

glBindBufferBase(target, index, buffer) target group: BufferTargetARB buffer class: buffer

glBindBufferRange(target, index, buffer, offset, size) target group: BufferTargetARB buffer class: buffer offset group: BufferOffset size group: BufferSize

glBindFramebuffer(target, framebuffer) target group: FramebufferTarget framebuffer class: framebuffer

glBindImageTexture(unit, texture, level, layered, layer, access, format) texture class: texture access group: BufferAccessARB format group: InternalFormat

glBindProgramPipeline(pipeline) pipeline class: program pipeline

glBindRenderbuffer(target, renderbuffer) target group: RenderbufferTarget renderbuffer class: renderbuffer

glBindSampler(unit, sampler) sampler class: sampler

glBindTexture(target, texture) target group: TextureTarget texture group: Texture texture class: texture

glBindTransformFeedback(target, id) target group: BindTransformFeedbackTarget id class: transform feedback

glBindVertexArray(array) array class: vertex array

glBindVertexBuffer(bindingindex, buffer, offset, stride) buffer class: buffer offset group: BufferOffset

glBlendColor(red, green, blue, alpha) red group: ColorF green group: ColorF blue group: ColorF alpha group: ColorF

glBlendEquation(mode) mode group: BlendEquationModeEXT

glBlendEquationSeparate(modeRGB, modeAlpha) modeRGB group: BlendEquationModeEXT modeAlpha group: BlendEquationModeEXT

glBlendEquationSeparatei(buf, modeRGB, modeAlpha) modeRGB group: BlendEquationModeEXT modeAlpha group: BlendEquationModeEXT

glBlendEquationi(buf, mode) mode group: BlendEquationModeEXT

glBlendFunc(sfactor, dfactor) sfactor group: BlendingFactor dfactor group: BlendingFactor

glBlendFuncSeparate(sfactorRGB, dfactorRGB, sfactorAlpha, dfactorAlpha) sfactorRGB group: BlendingFactor dfactorRGB group: BlendingFactor sfactorAlpha group: BlendingFactor dfactorAlpha group: BlendingFactor

glBlendFuncSeparatei(buf, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha) srcRGB group: BlendingFactor dstRGB group: BlendingFactor srcAlpha group: BlendingFactor dstAlpha group: BlendingFactor

glBlendFunci(buf, src, dst) src group: BlendingFactor dst group: BlendingFactor

glBlitFramebuffer(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter) mask group: ClearBufferMask filter group: BlitFramebufferFilter

glBufferData(target, size, data, usage) target group: BufferTargetARB size group: BufferSize data len: size usage group: BufferUsageARB

glBufferSubData(target, offset, size, data) target group: BufferTargetARB offset group: BufferOffset size group: BufferSize data len: size

glCheckFramebufferStatus(target) target group: FramebufferTarget return value group: FramebufferStatus

glClear(mask) mask group: ClearBufferMask

glClearBufferfi(buffer, drawbuffer, depth, stencil) buffer group: Buffer drawbuffer group: DrawBufferName

glClearBufferfv(buffer, drawbuffer, value) buffer group: Buffer drawbuffer group: DrawBufferName value len: COMPSIZE(buffer)

glClearBufferiv(buffer, drawbuffer, value) buffer group: Buffer drawbuffer group: DrawBufferName value len: COMPSIZE(buffer)

glClearBufferuiv(buffer, drawbuffer, value) buffer group: Buffer drawbuffer group: DrawBufferName value len: COMPSIZE(buffer)

glClearColor(red, green, blue, alpha) red group: ColorF green group: ColorF blue group: ColorF alpha group: ColorF

glClearStencil(s) s group: StencilValue

glClientWaitSync(sync, flags, timeout) sync group: sync sync class: sync flags group: SyncObjectMask return value group: SyncStatus

glColorMask(red, green, blue, alpha)

glColorMaski(index, r, g, b, a)

glCompileShader(shader) shader class: shader

glCompressedTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data) target group: TextureTarget level group: CheckedInt32 internalformat group: InternalFormat border group: CheckedInt32 data group: CompressedTextureARB data len: imageSize

glCompressedTexImage3D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data) target group: TextureTarget level group: CheckedInt32 internalformat group: InternalFormat border group: CheckedInt32 data group: CompressedTextureARB data len: imageSize

glCompressedTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data) target group: TextureTarget level group: CheckedInt32 xoffset group: CheckedInt32 yoffset group: CheckedInt32 format group: PixelFormat data group: CompressedTextureARB data len: imageSize

glCompressedTexSubImage3D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data) target group: TextureTarget level group: CheckedInt32 xoffset group: CheckedInt32 yoffset group: CheckedInt32 zoffset group: CheckedInt32 format group: PixelFormat data group: CompressedTextureARB data len: imageSize

glCopyBufferSubData(readTarget, writeTarget, readOffset, writeOffset, size) readTarget group: CopyBufferSubDataTarget writeTarget group: CopyBufferSubDataTarget readOffset group: BufferOffset writeOffset group: BufferOffset size group: BufferSize

glCopyImageSubData(srcName, srcTarget, srcLevel, srcX, srcY, srcZ, dstName, dstTarget, dstLevel, dstX, dstY, dstZ, srcWidth, srcHeight, srcDepth) srcTarget group: CopyImageSubDataTarget dstTarget group: CopyImageSubDataTarget

glCopyTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border) target group: TextureTarget level group: CheckedInt32 internalformat group: InternalFormat x group: WinCoord y group: WinCoord border group: CheckedInt32

glCopyTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height) target group: TextureTarget level group: CheckedInt32 xoffset group: CheckedInt32 yoffset group: CheckedInt32 x group: WinCoord y group: WinCoord

glCopyTexSubImage3D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height) target group: TextureTarget level group: CheckedInt32 xoffset group: CheckedInt32 yoffset group: CheckedInt32 zoffset group: CheckedInt32 x group: WinCoord y group: WinCoord

glCreateProgram() return value class: program

glCreateShader(type_) type_ group: ShaderType return value class: shader

glCreateShaderProgramv(type_, count, strings) type_ group: ShaderType strings len: count return value class: program

glCullFace(mode) mode group: CullFaceMode

glDebugMessageControl(source, type_, severity, count, ids, enabled) source group: DebugSource type_ group: DebugType severity group: DebugSeverity ids len: count

glDebugMessageInsert(source, type_, id, severity, length, buf) source group: DebugSource type_ group: DebugType severity group: DebugSeverity buf len: COMPSIZE(buf,length)

glDeleteBuffers(n, buffers) buffers len: n buffers class: buffer

glDeleteFramebuffers(n, framebuffers) framebuffers len: n framebuffers class: framebuffer

glDeleteProgram(program) program class: program

glDeleteProgramPipelines(n, pipelines) pipelines len: n pipelines class: program pipeline

glDeleteQueries(n, ids) ids len: n ids class: query

glDeleteRenderbuffers(n, renderbuffers) renderbuffers len: n renderbuffers class: renderbuffer

glDeleteSamplers(count, samplers) samplers len: count samplers class: sampler

glDeleteShader(shader) shader class: shader

glDeleteSync(sync) sync group: sync sync class: sync

glDeleteTextures(n, textures) textures group: Texture textures len: n textures class: texture

glDeleteTransformFeedbacks(n, ids) ids len: n ids class: transform feedback

glDeleteVertexArrays(n, arrays) arrays len: n arrays class: vertex array

glDepthFunc(func) func group: DepthFunction

glDetachShader(program, shader) program class: program shader class: shader

glDisable(cap) cap group: EnableCap

glDisablei(target, index) target group: EnableCap

glDispatchCompute(num_groups_x, num_groups_y, num_groups_z)

glDispatchComputeIndirect(indirect) indirect group: BufferOffset

glDrawArrays(mode, first, count) mode group: PrimitiveType

glDrawArraysIndirect(mode, indirect) mode group: PrimitiveType

glDrawArraysInstanced(mode, first, count, instancecount) mode group: PrimitiveType

glDrawBuffers(n, bufs) bufs group: DrawBufferMode bufs len: n

glDrawElements(mode, count, type_, indices) mode group: PrimitiveType type_ group: DrawElementsType indices len: COMPSIZE(count,type)

glDrawElementsBaseVertex(mode, count, type_, indices, basevertex) mode group: PrimitiveType type_ group: DrawElementsType indices len: COMPSIZE(count,type)

glDrawElementsIndirect(mode, type_, indirect) mode group: PrimitiveType type_ group: DrawElementsType

glDrawElementsInstanced(mode, count, type_, indices, instancecount) mode group: PrimitiveType type_ group: DrawElementsType indices len: COMPSIZE(count,type)

glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(mode, count, type_, indices, instancecount, basevertex) mode group: PrimitiveType type_ group: DrawElementsType indices len: COMPSIZE(count,type)

glDrawRangeElements(mode, start, end, count, type_, indices) mode group: PrimitiveType type_ group: DrawElementsType indices len: COMPSIZE(count,type)

glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(mode, start, end, count, type_, indices, basevertex) mode group: PrimitiveType type_ group: DrawElementsType indices len: COMPSIZE(count,type)

glEnable(cap) cap group: EnableCap

glEnablei(target, index) target group: EnableCap

glEndQuery(target) target group: QueryTarget

glFenceSync(condition, flags) condition group: SyncCondition flags group: SyncBehaviorFlags return value group: sync return value class: sync

glFlushMappedBufferRange(target, offset, length) target group: BufferTargetARB offset group: BufferOffset length group: BufferSize

glFramebufferParameteri(target, pname, param) target group: FramebufferTarget pname group: FramebufferParameterName

glFramebufferRenderbuffer(target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer) target group: FramebufferTarget attachment group: FramebufferAttachment renderbuffertarget group: RenderbufferTarget renderbuffer class: renderbuffer

glFramebufferTexture(target, attachment, texture, level) target group: FramebufferTarget attachment group: FramebufferAttachment texture class: texture

glFramebufferTexture2D(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level) target group: FramebufferTarget attachment group: FramebufferAttachment textarget group: TextureTarget texture class: texture

glFramebufferTextureLayer(target, attachment, texture, level, layer) target group: FramebufferTarget attachment group: FramebufferAttachment texture group: Texture texture class: texture level group: CheckedInt32 layer group: CheckedInt32

glFrontFace(mode) mode group: FrontFaceDirection

glGenBuffers(n, buffers) buffers len: n buffers class: buffer

glGenFramebuffers(n, framebuffers) framebuffers len: n framebuffers class: framebuffer

glGenProgramPipelines(n, pipelines) pipelines len: n pipelines class: program pipeline

glGenQueries(n, ids) ids len: n ids class: query

glGenRenderbuffers(n, renderbuffers) renderbuffers len: n renderbuffers class: renderbuffer

glGenSamplers(count, samplers) samplers len: count samplers class: sampler

glGenTextures(n, textures) textures group: Texture textures len: n textures class: texture

glGenTransformFeedbacks(n, ids) ids len: n ids class: transform feedback

glGenVertexArrays(n, arrays) arrays len: n arrays class: vertex array

glGenerateMipmap(target) target group: TextureTarget

glGetActiveAttrib(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type_, name) program class: program length len: 1 size len: 1 type_ group: AttributeType type_ len: 1 name len: bufSize

glGetActiveUniform(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type_, name) program class: program length len: 1 size len: 1 type_ group: UniformType type_ len: 1 name len: bufSize

glGetActiveUniformBlockName(program, uniformBlockIndex, bufSize, length, uniformBlockName) program class: program length len: 1 uniformBlockName len: bufSize

glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(program, uniformBlockIndex, pname, params) program class: program pname group: UniformBlockPName params len: COMPSIZE(program,uniformBlockIndex,pname)

glGetActiveUniformsiv(program, uniformCount, uniformIndices, pname, params) program class: program uniformIndices len: uniformCount pname group: UniformPName params len: COMPSIZE(uniformCount,pname)

glGetAttachedShaders(program, maxCount, count, shaders) program class: program count len: 1 shaders len: maxCount shaders class: shader

glGetAttribLocation(program, name) program class: program

glGetBooleani_v(target, index, data) target group: BufferTargetARB data len: COMPSIZE(target)

glGetBooleanv(pname, data) pname group: GetPName data len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetBufferParameteri64v(target, pname, params) target group: BufferTargetARB pname group: BufferPNameARB params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetBufferParameteriv(target, pname, params) target group: BufferTargetARB pname group: BufferPNameARB params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetBufferPointerv(target, pname, params) target group: BufferTargetARB pname group: BufferPointerNameARB params len: 1

glGetDebugMessageLog(count, bufSize, sources, types, ids, severities, lengths, messageLog) sources group: DebugSource sources len: count types group: DebugType types len: count ids len: count severities group: DebugSeverity severities len: count lengths len: count messageLog len: bufSize

glGetError() return value group: ErrorCode

glGetFloatv(pname, data) pname group: GetPName data len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetFragDataLocation(program, name) program class: program name len: COMPSIZE(name)

glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(target, attachment, pname, params) target group: FramebufferTarget attachment group: FramebufferAttachment pname group: FramebufferAttachmentParameterName params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetFramebufferParameteriv(target, pname, params) target group: FramebufferTarget pname group: FramebufferAttachmentParameterName params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetGraphicsResetStatus() return value group: GraphicsResetStatus

glGetInteger64i_v(target, index, data) target group: GetPName data len: COMPSIZE(target)

glGetInteger64v(pname, data) pname group: GetPName data len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetIntegeri_v(target, index, data) target group: GetPName data len: COMPSIZE(target)

glGetIntegerv(pname, data) pname group: GetPName data len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetInternalformativ(target, internalformat, pname, count, params) target group: TextureTarget internalformat group: InternalFormat pname group: InternalFormatPName params len: count

glGetMultisamplefv(pname, index, val) pname group: GetMultisamplePNameNV val len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetObjectLabel(identifier, name, bufSize, length, label) identifier group: ObjectIdentifier length len: 1 label len: bufSize

glGetObjectPtrLabel(ptr, bufSize, length, label) length len: 1 label len: bufSize

glGetPointerv(pname, params) pname group: GetPointervPName params len: 1

glGetProgramBinary(program, bufSize, length, binaryFormat, binary) program class: program length len: 1 binaryFormat len: 1 binary len: bufSize

glGetProgramInfoLog(program, bufSize, length, infoLog) program class: program length len: 1 infoLog len: bufSize

glGetProgramInterfaceiv(program, programInterface, pname, params) program class: program programInterface group: ProgramInterface pname group: ProgramInterfacePName params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog(pipeline, bufSize, length, infoLog) pipeline class: program pipeline length len: 1 infoLog len: bufSize

glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipeline, pname, params) pipeline class: program pipeline pname group: PipelineParameterName params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetProgramResourceIndex(program, programInterface, name) program class: program programInterface group: ProgramInterface name len: COMPSIZE(name)

glGetProgramResourceLocation(program, programInterface, name) program class: program programInterface group: ProgramInterface name len: COMPSIZE(name)

glGetProgramResourceName(program, programInterface, index, bufSize, length, name) program class: program programInterface group: ProgramInterface length len: 1 name len: bufSize

glGetProgramResourceiv(program, programInterface, index, propCount, props, count, length, params) program class: program programInterface group: ProgramInterface props group: ProgramResourceProperty props len: propCount length len: 1 params len: count

glGetProgramiv(program, pname, params) program class: program pname group: ProgramPropertyARB params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetQueryObjectuiv(id, pname, params) id class: query pname group: QueryObjectParameterName params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetQueryiv(target, pname, params) target group: QueryTarget pname group: QueryParameterName params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(target, pname, params) target group: RenderbufferTarget pname group: RenderbufferParameterName params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetSamplerParameterIiv(sampler, pname, params) sampler class: sampler pname group: SamplerParameterI params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetSamplerParameterIuiv(sampler, pname, params) sampler class: sampler pname group: SamplerParameterI params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetSamplerParameterfv(sampler, pname, params) sampler class: sampler pname group: SamplerParameterF params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetSamplerParameteriv(sampler, pname, params) sampler class: sampler pname group: SamplerParameterI params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, bufSize, length, infoLog) shader class: shader length len: 1 infoLog len: bufSize

glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(shadertype, precisiontype, range, precision) shadertype group: ShaderType precisiontype group: PrecisionType range len: 2 precision len: 1

glGetShaderSource(shader, bufSize, length, source) shader class: shader length len: 1 source len: bufSize

glGetShaderiv(shader, pname, params) shader class: shader pname group: ShaderParameterName params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetString(name) name group: StringName return value group: String

glGetStringi(name, index) name group: StringName return value group: String

glGetSynciv(sync, pname, count, length, values) sync group: sync sync class: sync pname group: SyncParameterName length len: 1 values len: count

glGetTexLevelParameterfv(target, level, pname, params) target group: TextureTarget level group: CheckedInt32 pname group: GetTextureParameter params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetTexLevelParameteriv(target, level, pname, params) target group: TextureTarget level group: CheckedInt32 pname group: GetTextureParameter params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetTexParameterIiv(target, pname, params) target group: TextureTarget pname group: GetTextureParameter params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetTexParameterIuiv(target, pname, params) target group: TextureTarget pname group: GetTextureParameter params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetTexParameterfv(target, pname, params) target group: TextureTarget pname group: GetTextureParameter params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetTexParameteriv(target, pname, params) target group: TextureTarget pname group: GetTextureParameter params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glGetTransformFeedbackVarying(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type_, name) program class: program length len: 1 size len: 1 type_ group: AttributeType type_ len: 1 name len: bufSize

glGetUniformBlockIndex(program, uniformBlockName) program class: program uniformBlockName len: COMPSIZE()

glGetUniformIndices(program, uniformCount, uniformNames, uniformIndices) program class: program uniformNames len: COMPSIZE(uniformCount) uniformIndices len: COMPSIZE(uniformCount)

glGetUniformLocation(program, name) program class: program

glGetUniformfv(program, location, params) program class: program params len: COMPSIZE(program,location)

glGetUniformiv(program, location, params) program class: program params len: COMPSIZE(program,location)

glGetUniformuiv(program, location, params) program class: program params len: COMPSIZE(program,location)

glGetVertexAttribIiv(index, pname, params) pname group: VertexAttribEnum params len: 1

glGetVertexAttribIuiv(index, pname, params) pname group: VertexAttribEnum params len: 1

glGetVertexAttribPointerv(index, pname, pointer) pname group: VertexAttribPointerPropertyARB pointer len: 1

glGetVertexAttribfv(index, pname, params) pname group: VertexAttribPropertyARB params len: 4

glGetVertexAttribiv(index, pname, params) pname group: VertexAttribPropertyARB params len: 4

glGetnUniformfv(program, location, bufSize, params) program class: program params len: bufSize / 4

glGetnUniformiv(program, location, bufSize, params) program class: program params len: bufSize / 4

glGetnUniformuiv(program, location, bufSize, params) program class: program params len: bufSize / 4

glHint(target, mode) target group: HintTarget mode group: HintMode

glInvalidateFramebuffer(target, numAttachments, attachments) target group: FramebufferTarget attachments group: InvalidateFramebufferAttachment attachments len: numAttachments

glInvalidateSubFramebuffer(target, numAttachments, attachments, x, y, width, height) target group: FramebufferTarget attachments group: InvalidateFramebufferAttachment attachments len: numAttachments

glIsBuffer(buffer) buffer class: buffer

glIsEnabled(cap) cap group: EnableCap

glIsEnabledi(target, index) target group: EnableCap

glIsFramebuffer(framebuffer) framebuffer class: framebuffer

glIsProgram(program) program class: program

glIsProgramPipeline(pipeline) pipeline class: program pipeline

glIsQuery(id) id class: query

glIsRenderbuffer(renderbuffer) renderbuffer class: renderbuffer

glIsSampler(sampler) sampler class: sampler

glIsShader(shader) shader class: shader

glIsSync(sync) sync group: sync sync class: sync

glIsTexture(texture) texture group: Texture texture class: texture

glIsTransformFeedback(id) id class: transform feedback

glIsVertexArray(array) array class: vertex array

glLineWidth(width) width group: CheckedFloat32

glLinkProgram(program) program class: program

glMapBufferRange(target, offset, length, access) target group: BufferTargetARB offset group: BufferOffset length group: BufferSize access group: MapBufferAccessMask

glMemoryBarrier(barriers) barriers group: MemoryBarrierMask

glMemoryBarrierByRegion(barriers) barriers group: MemoryBarrierMask

glMinSampleShading(value) value group: ColorF

glObjectLabel(identifier, name, length, label) identifier group: ObjectIdentifier label len: COMPSIZE(label,length)

glObjectPtrLabel(ptr, length, label) label len: COMPSIZE(label,length)

glPatchParameteri(pname, value) pname group: PatchParameterName

glPixelStorei(pname, param) pname group: PixelStoreParameter param group: CheckedInt32

glPrimitiveBoundingBox(minX, minY, minZ, minW, maxX, maxY, maxZ, maxW)

glProgramBinary(program, binaryFormat, binary, length) program class: program binary len: length

glProgramParameteri(program, pname, value) program class: program pname group: ProgramParameterPName

glProgramUniform1f(program, location, v0) program class: program

glProgramUniform1fv(program, location, count, value) program class: program value len: count

glProgramUniform1i(program, location, v0) program class: program

glProgramUniform1iv(program, location, count, value) program class: program value len: count

glProgramUniform1ui(program, location, v0) program class: program

glProgramUniform1uiv(program, location, count, value) program class: program value len: count

glProgramUniform2f(program, location, v0, v1) program class: program

glProgramUniform2fv(program, location, count, value) program class: program value len: count*2

glProgramUniform2i(program, location, v0, v1) program class: program

glProgramUniform2iv(program, location, count, value) program class: program value len: count*2

glProgramUniform2ui(program, location, v0, v1) program class: program

glProgramUniform2uiv(program, location, count, value) program class: program value len: count*2

glProgramUniform3f(program, location, v0, v1, v2) program class: program

glProgramUniform3fv(program, location, count, value) program class: program value len: count*3

glProgramUniform3i(program, location, v0, v1, v2) program class: program

glProgramUniform3iv(program, location, count, value) program class: program value len: count*3

glProgramUniform3ui(program, location, v0, v1, v2) program class: program

glProgramUniform3uiv(program, location, count, value) program class: program value len: count*3

glProgramUniform4f(program, location, v0, v1, v2, v3) program class: program

glProgramUniform4fv(program, location, count, value) program class: program value len: count*4

glProgramUniform4i(program, location, v0, v1, v2, v3) program class: program

glProgramUniform4iv(program, location, count, value) program class: program value len: count*4

glProgramUniform4ui(program, location, v0, v1, v2, v3) program class: program

glProgramUniform4uiv(program, location, count, value) program class: program value len: count*4

glProgramUniformMatrix2fv(program, location, count, transpose, value) program class: program value len: count*4

glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv(program, location, count, transpose, value) program class: program value len: count*6

glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv(program, location, count, transpose, value) program class: program value len: count*8

glProgramUniformMatrix3fv(program, location, count, transpose, value) program class: program value len: count*9

glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv(program, location, count, transpose, value) program class: program value len: count*6

glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv(program, location, count, transpose, value) program class: program value len: count*12

glProgramUniformMatrix4fv(program, location, count, transpose, value) program class: program value len: count*16

glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv(program, location, count, transpose, value) program class: program value len: count*8

glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv(program, location, count, transpose, value) program class: program value len: count*12

glPushDebugGroup(source, id, length, message) source group: DebugSource message len: COMPSIZE(message,length)

glReadBuffer(src) src group: ReadBufferMode

glReadPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type_, pixels) x group: WinCoord y group: WinCoord format group: PixelFormat type_ group: PixelType pixels len: COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)

glReadnPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type_, bufSize, data) format group: PixelFormat type_ group: PixelType data len: bufSize

glRenderbufferStorage(target, internalformat, width, height) target group: RenderbufferTarget internalformat group: InternalFormat

glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height) target group: RenderbufferTarget internalformat group: InternalFormat

glSamplerParameterIiv(sampler, pname, param) sampler class: sampler pname group: SamplerParameterI param len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glSamplerParameterIuiv(sampler, pname, param) sampler class: sampler pname group: SamplerParameterI param len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glSamplerParameterf(sampler, pname, param) sampler class: sampler pname group: SamplerParameterF

glSamplerParameterfv(sampler, pname, param) sampler class: sampler pname group: SamplerParameterF param len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glSamplerParameteri(sampler, pname, param) sampler class: sampler pname group: SamplerParameterI

glSamplerParameteriv(sampler, pname, param) sampler class: sampler pname group: SamplerParameterI param len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glScissor(x, y, width, height) x group: WinCoord y group: WinCoord

glShaderBinary(count, shaders, binaryFormat, binary, length) shaders len: count shaders class: shader binaryFormat group: ShaderBinaryFormat binary len: length

glShaderSource(shader, count, string, length) shader class: shader string len: count length len: count

glStencilFunc(func, ref_, mask) func group: StencilFunction ref_ group: StencilValue mask group: MaskedStencilValue

glStencilFuncSeparate(face, func, ref_, mask) face group: StencilFaceDirection func group: StencilFunction ref_ group: StencilValue mask group: MaskedStencilValue

glStencilMask(mask) mask group: MaskedStencilValue

glStencilMaskSeparate(face, mask) face group: StencilFaceDirection mask group: MaskedStencilValue

glStencilOp(fail, zfail, zpass) fail group: StencilOp zfail group: StencilOp zpass group: StencilOp

glStencilOpSeparate(face, sfail, dpfail, dppass) face group: StencilFaceDirection sfail group: StencilOp dpfail group: StencilOp dppass group: StencilOp

glTexBuffer(target, internalformat, buffer) target group: TextureTarget internalformat group: SizedInternalFormat buffer class: buffer

glTexBufferRange(target, internalformat, buffer, offset, size) target group: TextureTarget internalformat group: SizedInternalFormat buffer class: buffer offset group: BufferOffset size group: BufferSize

glTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type_, pixels) target group: TextureTarget level group: CheckedInt32 internalformat group: InternalFormat border group: CheckedInt32 format group: PixelFormat type_ group: PixelType pixels len: COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)

glTexImage3D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type_, pixels) target group: TextureTarget level group: CheckedInt32 internalformat group: InternalFormat border group: CheckedInt32 format group: PixelFormat type_ group: PixelType pixels len: COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)

glTexParameterIiv(target, pname, params) target group: TextureTarget pname group: TextureParameterName params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glTexParameterIuiv(target, pname, params) target group: TextureTarget pname group: TextureParameterName params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glTexParameterf(target, pname, param) target group: TextureTarget pname group: TextureParameterName param group: CheckedFloat32

glTexParameterfv(target, pname, params) target group: TextureTarget pname group: TextureParameterName params group: CheckedFloat32 params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glTexParameteri(target, pname, param) target group: TextureTarget pname group: TextureParameterName param group: CheckedInt32

glTexParameteriv(target, pname, params) target group: TextureTarget pname group: TextureParameterName params group: CheckedInt32 params len: COMPSIZE(pname)

glTexStorage2D(target, levels, internalformat, width, height) target group: TextureTarget internalformat group: SizedInternalFormat

glTexStorage2DMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height, fixedsamplelocations) target group: TextureTarget internalformat group: SizedInternalFormat

glTexStorage3D(target, levels, internalformat, width, height, depth) target group: TextureTarget internalformat group: SizedInternalFormat

glTexStorage3DMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height, depth, fixedsamplelocations) target group: TextureTarget internalformat group: SizedInternalFormat

glTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type_, pixels) target group: TextureTarget level group: CheckedInt32 xoffset group: CheckedInt32 yoffset group: CheckedInt32 format group: PixelFormat type_ group: PixelType pixels len: COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)

glTexSubImage3D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type_, pixels) target group: TextureTarget level group: CheckedInt32 xoffset group: CheckedInt32 yoffset group: CheckedInt32 zoffset group: CheckedInt32 format group: PixelFormat type_ group: PixelType pixels len: COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)

glTransformFeedbackVaryings(program, count, varyings, bufferMode) program class: program varyings len: count bufferMode group: TransformFeedbackBufferMode

glUniform1fv(location, count, value) value len: count*1

glUniform1iv(location, count, value) value len: count*1

glUniform1uiv(location, count, value) value len: count*1

glUniform2f(location, v0, v1)

glUniform2fv(location, count, value) value len: count*2

glUniform2i(location, v0, v1)

glUniform2iv(location, count, value) value len: count*2

glUniform2ui(location, v0, v1)

glUniform2uiv(location, count, value) value len: count*2

glUniform3f(location, v0, v1, v2)

glUniform3fv(location, count, value) value len: count*3

glUniform3i(location, v0, v1, v2)

glUniform3iv(location, count, value) value len: count*3

glUniform3ui(location, v0, v1, v2)

glUniform3uiv(location, count, value) value len: count*3

glUniform4f(location, v0, v1, v2, v3)

glUniform4fv(location, count, value) value len: count*4

glUniform4i(location, v0, v1, v2, v3)

glUniform4iv(location, count, value) value len: count*4

glUniform4ui(location, v0, v1, v2, v3)

glUniform4uiv(location, count, value) value len: count*4

glUniformBlockBinding(program, uniformBlockIndex, uniformBlockBinding) program class: program

glUniformMatrix2fv(location, count, transpose, value) value len: count*4

glUniformMatrix2x3fv(location, count, transpose, value) value len: count*6

glUniformMatrix2x4fv(location, count, transpose, value) value len: count*8

glUniformMatrix3fv(location, count, transpose, value) value len: count*9

glUniformMatrix3x2fv(location, count, transpose, value) value len: count*6

glUniformMatrix3x4fv(location, count, transpose, value) value len: count*12

glUniformMatrix4fv(location, count, transpose, value) value len: count*16

glUniformMatrix4x2fv(location, count, transpose, value) value len: count*8

glUniformMatrix4x3fv(location, count, transpose, value) value len: count*12

glUnmapBuffer(target) target group: BufferTargetARB

glUseProgram(program) program class: program

glUseProgramStages(pipeline, stages, program) pipeline class: program pipeline stages group: UseProgramStageMask program class: program

glValidateProgram(program) program class: program

glValidateProgramPipeline(pipeline) pipeline class: program pipeline

glVertexAttrib3f(index, x, y, z) vector equivalent: glVertexAttrib3fv

glVertexAttrib4f(index, x, y, z, w) vector equivalent: glVertexAttrib4fv

glVertexAttribFormat(attribindex, size, type_, normalized, relativeoffset) type_ group: VertexAttribType

glVertexAttribI4i(index, x, y, z, w) vector equivalent: glVertexAttribI4iv

glVertexAttribI4ui(index, x, y, z, w) vector equivalent: glVertexAttribI4uiv

glVertexAttribIFormat(attribindex, size, type_, relativeoffset) type_ group: VertexAttribIType

glVertexAttribIPointer(index, size, type_, stride, pointer) type_ group: VertexAttribIType pointer len: COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)

glVertexAttribPointer(index, size, type_, normalized, stride, pointer) type_ group: VertexAttribPointerType pointer len: COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)

glViewport(x, y, width, height) x group: WinCoord y group: WinCoord

glWaitSync(sync, flags, timeout) sync group: sync sync class: sync flags group: SyncBehaviorFlags

Loads all global functions using the get_proc_address given.