uwuifyy 0.2.0

A robust, customizable, blazingly-fast, efficient and easy-to-use command line application to uwu'ify your text!

name = "uwuifyy"

version = "0.2.0"

edition = "2021"

authors = ["Goudham <sgoudham@gmail.com>"]

description = "A robust, customizable, blazingly-fast, efficient and easy-to-use command line application to uwu'ify your text!"

license = "MIT"

readme = "README.md"

repository = "https://github.com/sgoudham/uwuifyy"

keywords = ["cli", "uwu", "owo", "uwuify", "anime"]

categories = ["command-line-utilities"]

exclude = [








# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html


name = "uwuifyy"


clap = "3.0.13"

rand = "0.8.4"

indicatif = "0.16.2"

linkify = "0.8.0"

rand_xoshiro = "0.6.0"

ahash = "0.7.6"

memmap = "0.7.0"


lto = "fat"

codegen-units = 1

panic = "abort"


bench = []