uwuifyy 0.1.0

A robust, customizable, efficient and easy-to-use command line application to uwu'ify your text!
use clap::{ArgGroup, ErrorKind, IntoApp, Parser};

use crate::uwuify::UwUify;

mod uwuify;

#[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
#[clap(group(ArgGroup::new("uwu").required(true).args(& ["text", "infile"]),))]
struct Args {
    /// Text to uwu'ify
    #[clap(short, long, required_unless_present_all = ["infile", "outfile"], display_order = 1)]
    text: Option<String>,

    /// The file to uwu'ify
    #[clap(short, long, parse(from_os_str), conflicts_with = "text", requires = "outfile", value_name = "FILE", display_order = 2)]
    infile: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,

    /// The file to output uwu'ified text
    #[clap(short, long, value_name = "FILE", display_order = 3)]
    outfile: Option<String>,

    /// The modifier to determine how many words to be uwu'ified
    #[clap(short, long, value_name = "VALUE", default_value = "1", validator = is_between_zero_and_one, display_order = 4)]
    words: f32,

    /// The modifier for uwu faces e.g hello -> hewwo
    #[clap(short, long, value_name = "VALUE", default_value = "0.05", validator = is_between_zero_and_one, display_order = 5)]
    faces: f32,

    /// The modifier for actions e.g *shuffles over*
    #[clap(short, long, value_name = "VALUE", default_value = "0.125", validator = is_between_zero_and_one, display_order = 6)]
    actions: f32,

    /// The modifier for stutters e.g b-baka!
    #[clap(short, long, value_name = "VALUE", default_value = "0.225", validator = is_between_zero_and_one, display_order = 7)]
    stutters: f32,

    /// Flag to enable/disable random uwu'ifying
    #[clap(short, long, display_order = 8)]
    random: bool,

fn main() {
    let args = Args::parse();
    let matches = Args::into_app().get_matches();

    let supplied_at_runtime = modifiers_supplied_at_runtime(matches.occurrences_of("faces"), matches.occurrences_of("actions"), matches.occurrences_of("stutters"));
    let uwuify = UwUify::new(args.text, args.infile, args.outfile, supplied_at_runtime, args.words, args.faces, args.actions, args.stutters, args.random);
    match uwuify.uwuify() {
        Ok(_) => (),
        Err(err) => {
            let mut app = Args::into_app();
            app.error(ErrorKind::DisplayHelp, err.to_string()).exit();

fn is_between_zero_and_one(input: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
    let value = match input.parse::<f32>() {
        Ok(value) => value,
        Err(_) => return Err(String::from("The value must be a decimal number"))

    if (0.0..=1.0).contains(&value) { return Ok(()); }
    Err(String::from("The value must be between 0.0 and 1.0"))

fn modifiers_supplied_at_runtime(faces_occurrences: u64, actions_occurrences: u64, stutters_occurrences: u64) -> bool {
    faces_occurrences > 0 || actions_occurrences > 0 || stutters_occurrences > 0