uwu-rs 1.0.0

uwuifying library


A uwu implementation inspired by Daniel Liu's uwu that runs on all machines and on the web.

This repository is divided into the following crates:

Quick start

For Rust projects

Add the uwu library to your project with:

cargo add uwu-rs

Then use it:

let uwuified = uwu_rs::Uwu::new().uwuify("Hello world!");

For JavaScript projects

Add the uwu library to your project with:

npm install uwu-rs

Then use as follows in your code:

import init, {uwuify} from 'uwu-rs';

init().then(() => {
    console.log(uwuify('I have been uwuified!'));

For the CLI

Install the executable with:

cargo install uwu_cli

Then use it:

# directly from the arguments
uwu Hello world!

# from a file
uwu --file uwu.txt

# from stdin
uwu <<EOF
Life in uwu land,
Is fantastic!

# to a file
uwu --output uwu.out Hello world!