uvm_core 0.13.2

The core functionality for the unity version manager commandline client.

A command-line application to manage unity versions.
This tool allows to install and manage multiple unity versions on a system from the command-line. This tool is compatible with Unity-Hub and will use the installation destination configured there by default.

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_install with brew_

brew tap wooga/tools
brew install wooga/unity-version-manager

To build from source a recent version of rust is needed `> 1.30`. You should use [rustup].

_install from source with cmake_

git clone git@github.com:Larusso/unity-version-manager.git
cd unity-version-manager
make install

_install from source with cargo_

git clone git@github.com:Larusso/unity-version-manager.git
cd unity-version-manager
cargo build --release
#symlink or move binaries in target/release


The _uvm_ (unity-version-manager) is a collection of small command-line tools. Each command can be invoked through the main tool `uvm`.

### Version handling

The main purpose of uvm was the management of multiple unity installations on macOS. The idea was to have a similar interface as [rvm] to activate and deactivate different unity installations. This is done by creating a symlink at the default unity installation location (`/Applications/Unity` on macOS).

| command        | description |
| -------------- | ----------- |
| use            | Use specific version of unity. |
| clear          | Remove the link so you can install a new version without overwriting. |
| current        | Prints current activated version of unity. |
| list           | List installed unity versions |

### Version installation

These commands allow the installation and deinstallation of Unity versions with additional components.

| command        | description |
| -------------- | ----------- |
| install        | Install specified unity version. |
| uninstall      | Uninstall specified unity version |
| versions       | List available Unity versions to install. |

### Miscellaneous commands

| command        | description |
| -------------- | ----------- |
| detect         | Find which version of unity was used to generate a project |
| launch         | Launch the current active version of unity. |
| help           | Prints help page for command. |


[Apache License 2.0](LICENSE)

[rvm]:      https://rvm.io/
[rustup]:   https://rustup.rs/