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This crate implements necessary boiler plate code to serve Swagger UI via web server. It works as a bridge for serving the OpenAPI documetation created with utoipa libarary in the Swagger UI.

Currently supported frameworks:

  • actix-web

Serving Swagger UI is framework independant thus SwaggerUi and Url of this create could be used similarly to serve the Swagger UI in other frameworks as well.


  • actix-web Enables actix-web integration with pre-configured SwaggerUI service factory allowing users to use the Swagger UI without a hazzle.


Use only the raw types without any boiler plate implementation.

utoipa-swagger-ui = "0.1.0"

Enable actix-web framework with Swagger UI you could define the dependency as follows.

utoipa-swagger-ui = { version = "0.1.0", features = ["actix-web"] }

Note! Also remember that you already have defined utoipa dependency in your Cargo.toml


Serve Swagger UI with api doc via actix-web. 1

HttpServer::new(move || {
                    .url("/api-doc/openapi.json", ApiDoc::openapi()),
    .bind(format!("{}:{}", Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED, 8989)).unwrap()

  1. actix-web feature need to be enabled. 


Entry point for serving Swagger UI and api docs in application. It uses provides builder style chainable configuration methods for configuring api doc urls.

Rust type for Swagger UI url configuration object.