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This crate implements necessary boiler plate code to serve Swagger UI via web server. It works as a bridge for serving the OpenAPI documetation created with utoipa libarary in the Swagger UI.

Currently supported frameworks:

  • actix-web

Serving Swagger UI is framework independant thus SwaggerUi and Url of this create could be used similarly to serve the Swagger UI in other frameworks as well.


  • actix-web Enables actix-web integration with pre-configured SwaggerUI service factory allowing users to use the Swagger UI without a hazzle.


Use only the raw types without any boiler plate implementation.

utoipa-swagger-ui = "0.1.0.rc1"

Enable actix-web framework with Swagger UI you could define the dependency as follows.

utoipa-swagger-ui = { version = "0.1.0.rc1", features = ["actix-web"] }

Note! Also remember that you already have defined utoipa dependency in your Cargo.toml


Serve Swagger UI with api doc via actix-web. 1

HttpServer::new(move || {
                    .with_url("/api-doc/openapi.json", ApiDoc::openapi()),
    .bind(format!("{}:{}", Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED, 8989)).unwrap()

  1. actix-web feature need to be enabled. 


Entry point for serving Swagger UI and api docs in application.

Rust type for Swagger UI url configuration object.