utils-cli 1.1.1

a compilation of utility scripts for every day use in building applications and using certain features on my laptop
# Utils

<div style="display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center">
  <img alt=app-icon src=app-icon.png/>

Compilation of utility scripts for everyday use

- [Description]#description
- [Getting Started]#getting-started
  - [Dependencies]#dependencies
  - [Installing]#installing
  - [Executing program]#executing-program
- [Documentation]#documentation
- [License]#license

## Demo


## Description

This repository contains a collection of useful scripts that can be used in any software project and in a desktop environment. The main purpose is to provide abstracts on some common tasks such as adding readme to a project, sending email and SMS, etc.

## Getting Started

### Dependencies

- [Rust]https://rust-lang.org >= v1.70.0

### Installing

- Install from the [Cargo]https://crates.io repository

  cargo install utils-cli

  - Install from [npm]https://npmjs.com

  npm install -g @opeolluwa/utils

- Clone the repository and build the application

  git clone https://github.com/opeolluwa/utils.git
  cd utils
  cargo build --release
  cargo install --path .

### Executing program

To run the application locally

cargo run -- --help

## License

This project is licensed under the Apache License
Version 2.0 License - see the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for details