[][src]Crate utf16_lit

Provides a proc-macro for making utf-16 literals.

use utf16_lit::utf16_lit;
// must be an item!
utf16_lit!(EXAMPLE, "example");
fn main() {
  let v: Vec<u16> = "example".encode_utf16().collect();
  assert_eq!(v, EXAMPLE);

Currently "function-like" proc macros can't be used in expression or statement position, only item position. This means that the ergonomics of this proc-macro are quite poor at the moment. Once the proc-macro situation improves we can make this proc-macro more "natural" to use.

In the future I hope to slim it down so that it's just a string literal to &[u16] conversion, without needing to pass in idents to make constants or any of that.



Makes a &[u16] const.