usvg 0.13.1

An SVG simplification library.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process;

use pico_args::Arguments;
use usvg::SystemFontDB;

const HELP: &str = "\
usvg (micro SVG) is an SVG simplification tool.

  usvg [OPTIONS] <in-svg> <out-svg>  # from file to file
  usvg [OPTIONS] -c <in-svg>         # from file to stdout
  usvg [OPTIONS] <out-svg> -         # from stdin to file
  usvg [OPTIONS] -c -                # from stdin to stdout

  -h, --help                    Prints help information
  -V, --version                 Prints version information
  -c                            Prints the output SVG to the stdout

  --dpi DPI                     Sets the resolution
                                [default: 96] [possible values: 10..4000]
  --languages LANG              Sets a comma-separated list of languages that
                                will be used during the 'systemLanguage'
                                attribute resolving
                                Examples: 'en-US', 'en-US, ru-RU', 'en, ru'
                                [default: en]
  --shape-rendering HINT        Selects the default shape rendering method
                                [default: geometricPrecision]
                                [possible values: optimizeSpeed, crispEdges,
  --text-rendering HINT         Selects the default text rendering method
                                [default: optimizeLegibility]
                                [possible values: optimizeSpeed, optimizeLegibility,
  --image-rendering HINT        Selects the default image rendering method
                                [default: optimizeQuality]
                                [possible values: optimizeQuality, optimizeSpeed]
  --resources-dir DIR           Sets a directory that will be used during
                                relative paths resolving.
                                Expected to be the same as the directory that
                                contains the SVG file, but can be set to any.
                                [default: input file directory
                                or none when reading from stdin]

  --font-family FAMILY          Sets the default font family that will be
                                used when no 'font-family' is present
                                [default: Times New Roman]
  --font-size SIZE              Sets the default font size that will be
                                used when no 'font-size' is present
                                [default: 12] [possible values: 1..192]
  --serif-family FAMILY         Sets the 'serif' font family
                                [default: Times New Roman]
  --sans-serif-family FAMILY    Sets the 'sans-serif' font family
                                [default: Arial]
  --cursive-family FAMILY       Sets the 'cursive' font family
                                [default: Comic Sans MS]
  --fantasy-family FAMILY       Sets the 'fantasy' font family
                                [default: Impact]
  --monospace-family FAMILY     Sets the 'monospace' font family
                                [default: Courier New]
  --use-font-file PATH          Load a specified font file into the fonts database.
                                Will be used during text to path conversion.
                                This option can be set multiple times
  --use-fonts-dir PATH          Loads all fonts from the specified directory
                                into the fonts database.
                                Will be used during text to path conversion.
                                This option can be set multiple times
  --skip-system-fonts           Disables system fonts loading.
                                You should add some fonts manually using
                                --use-font-file and/or --use-fonts-dir
                                Otherwise, text elements will not be processes
  --list-fonts                  Lists successfully loaded font faces.
                                Useful for debugging

  --keep-named-groups           Disables removing of groups with non-empty ID
  --indent INDENT               Sets the XML nodes indent
                                [values: none, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, tabs] [default: 4]
  --attrs-indent INDENT         Sets the XML attributes indent
                                [values: none, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, tabs] [default: none]

  --quiet                       Disables warnings

  <in-svg>                      Input file
  <out-svg>                     Output file

struct Args {
    help: bool,
    version: bool,
    stdout: bool,

    dpi: u32,
    languages: Vec<String>,
    shape_rendering: usvg::ShapeRendering,
    text_rendering: usvg::TextRendering,
    image_rendering: usvg::ImageRendering,
    resources_dir: Option<PathBuf>,

    font_family: Option<String>,
    font_size: u32,
    serif_family: Option<String>,
    sans_serif_family: Option<String>,
    cursive_family: Option<String>,
    fantasy_family: Option<String>,
    monospace_family: Option<String>,
    font_files: Vec<PathBuf>,
    font_dirs: Vec<PathBuf>,
    skip_system_fonts: bool,
    list_fonts: bool,

    keep_named_groups: bool,
    indent: usvg::XmlIndent,
    attrs_indent: usvg::XmlIndent,

    quiet: bool,

    free: Vec<String>,

fn collect_args() -> Result<Args, pico_args::Error> {
    let mut input = Arguments::from_env();
    Ok(Args {
        help:               input.contains(["-h", "--help"]),
        version:            input.contains(["-V", "--version"]),
        stdout:             input.contains("-c"),

        dpi:                input.opt_value_from_fn("--dpi", parse_dpi)?.unwrap_or(96),
        languages:          input.opt_value_from_fn("--languages", parse_languages)?
                                 .unwrap_or(vec!["en".to_string()]), // TODO: use system language
        shape_rendering:    input.opt_value_from_str("--shape-rendering")?.unwrap_or_default(),
        text_rendering:     input.opt_value_from_str("--text-rendering")?.unwrap_or_default(),
        image_rendering:    input.opt_value_from_str("--image-rendering")?.unwrap_or_default(),
        resources_dir:      input.opt_value_from_str("--resources-dir").unwrap_or_default(),

        font_family:        input.opt_value_from_str("--font-family")?,
        font_size:          input.opt_value_from_fn("--font-size", parse_font_size)?.unwrap_or(12),
        serif_family:       input.opt_value_from_str("--serif-family")?,
        sans_serif_family:  input.opt_value_from_str("--sans-serif-family")?,
        cursive_family:     input.opt_value_from_str("--cursive-family")?,
        fantasy_family:     input.opt_value_from_str("--fantasy-family")?,
        monospace_family:   input.opt_value_from_str("--monospace-family")?,
        font_files:         input.values_from_str("--use-font-file")?,
        font_dirs:          input.values_from_str("--use-fonts-dir")?,
        skip_system_fonts:  input.contains("--skip-system-fonts"),
        list_fonts:         input.contains("--list-fonts"),

        keep_named_groups:  input.contains("--keep-named-groups"),
        indent:             input.opt_value_from_fn("--indent", parse_indent)?
        attrs_indent:       input.opt_value_from_fn("--attrs-indent", parse_indent)?

        quiet:              input.contains("--quiet"),

        free:     ,

fn parse_dpi(s: &str) -> Result<u32, String> {
    let n: u32 = s.parse().map_err(|_| "invalid number")?;

    if n >= 10 && n <= 4000 {
    } else {
        Err("DPI out of bounds".to_string())

fn parse_font_size(s: &str) -> Result<u32, String> {
    let n: u32 = s.parse().map_err(|_| "invalid number")?;

    if n > 0 && n <= 192 {
    } else {
        Err("font size out of bounds".to_string())

fn parse_languages(s: &str) -> Result<Vec<String>, String> {
    let mut langs = Vec::new();
    for lang in s.split(',') {

    if langs.is_empty() {
        return Err("languages list cannot be empty".to_string());


fn parse_indent(s: &str) -> Result<usvg::XmlIndent, String> {
    let indent = match s {
        "none" => usvg::XmlIndent::None,
        "0" => usvg::XmlIndent::Spaces(0),
        "1" => usvg::XmlIndent::Spaces(1),
        "2" => usvg::XmlIndent::Spaces(2),
        "3" => usvg::XmlIndent::Spaces(3),
        "4" => usvg::XmlIndent::Spaces(4),
        "tabs" => usvg::XmlIndent::Tabs,
        _ => return Err("invalid INDENT value".to_string()),


#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum InputFrom<'a> {
    File(&'a str),

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum OutputTo<'a> {
    File(&'a str),

fn main() {
    let args = match collect_args() {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("Error: {}.", e);

    if {
        print!("{}", HELP);

    if args.version {
        println!("{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));

    if !args.quiet {
        if let Ok(()) = log::set_logger(&LOGGER) {

    if let Err(e) = process(args) {
        eprintln!("Error: {}.", e.to_string());

fn process(args: Args) -> Result<(), String> {
    if {
        return Err(format!("no positional arguments are provided"));

    let (in_svg, out_svg) = {
        let in_svg = &[0];
        let out_svg =;
        let out_svg =;

        let svg_from = if in_svg == "-" && args.stdout {
        } else if let Some("-") = out_svg {
        } else {

        let svg_to = if args.stdout {
        } else if let Some("-") = out_svg {
        } else {

        (svg_from, svg_to)

    let mut fontdb = usvg::fontdb::Database::new();
    if !args.skip_system_fonts {

    for path in &args.font_files {
        if let Err(e) = fontdb.load_font_file(path) {
            log::warn!("Failed to load '{}' cause {}.", path.display(), e);

    for path in &args.font_dirs {

    let take_or = |mut family: Option<String>, fallback: &str|
        family.take().unwrap_or_else(|| fallback.to_string());

    fontdb.set_serif_family(take_or(args.serif_family, "Times New Roman"));
    fontdb.set_sans_serif_family(take_or(args.sans_serif_family, "Arial"));
    fontdb.set_cursive_family(take_or(args.cursive_family, "Comic Sans MS"));
    fontdb.set_fantasy_family(take_or(args.fantasy_family, "Impact"));
    fontdb.set_monospace_family(take_or(args.monospace_family, "Courier New"));

    if args.list_fonts {
        for face in fontdb.faces() {
            if let usvg::fontdb::Source::File(ref path) = &*face.source {
                    "{}: '{}', {}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}",
                    path.display(),, face.index,
          , face.weight.0, face.stretch

    let resources_dir = match args.resources_dir {
        Some(v) => Some(v),
        None => {
            match in_svg {
                InputFrom::Stdin => None,
                InputFrom::File(ref f) => {
                    // Get input file absolute directory.
                    std::fs::canonicalize(f).ok().and_then(|p| p.parent().map(|p| p.to_path_buf()))

    let re_opt = usvg::Options {
        dpi: args.dpi as f64,
        font_family: take_or(args.font_family, "Times New Roman"),
        font_size: args.font_size as f64,
        languages: args.languages,
        shape_rendering: args.shape_rendering,
        text_rendering: args.text_rendering,
        image_rendering: args.image_rendering,
        keep_named_groups: args.keep_named_groups,

    let input_str = match in_svg {
        InputFrom::Stdin => load_stdin(),
        InputFrom::File(ref path) => {
            usvg::load_svg_file(Path::new(path)).map_err(|e| e.to_string())

    let tree = usvg::Tree::from_str(&input_str, &re_opt).map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?;

    let xml_opt = usvg::XmlOptions {
        use_single_quote: false,
        indent: args.indent,
        attributes_indent: args.attrs_indent,

    let s = tree.to_string(xml_opt);
    match out_svg {
        OutputTo::Stdout => {
                .map_err(|_| format!("failed to write to the stdout"))?;
        OutputTo::File(path) => {
            let mut f = File::create(path)
                .map_err(|_| format!("failed to create the output file"))?;
                .map_err(|_| format!("failed to write to the output file"))?;


fn load_stdin() -> Result<String, String> {
    let mut s = String::new();
    let stdin = io::stdin();
    let mut handle = stdin.lock();

        .read_to_string(&mut s)
        .map_err(|_| format!("provided data has not an UTF-8 encoding"))?;


/// A simple stderr logger.
static LOGGER: SimpleLogger = SimpleLogger;
struct SimpleLogger;
impl log::Log for SimpleLogger {
    fn enabled(&self, metadata: &log::Metadata) -> bool {
        metadata.level() <= log::LevelFilter::Warn

    fn log(&self, record: &log::Record) {
        if self.enabled(record.metadata()) {
            let target = if > 0 {
            } else {

            let line = record.line().unwrap_or(0);

            match record.level() {
                log::Level::Error => eprintln!("Error (in {}:{}): {}", target, line, record.args()),
                log::Level::Warn  => eprintln!("Warning (in {}:{}): {}", target, line, record.args()),
                log::Level::Info  => eprintln!("Info (in {}:{}): {}", target, line, record.args()),
                log::Level::Debug => eprintln!("Debug (in {}:{}): {}", target, line, record.args()),
                log::Level::Trace => eprintln!("Trace (in {}:{}): {}", target, line, record.args()),

    fn flush(&self) {}