Macro usdt::dtrace_provider[][src]

dtrace_provider!() { /* proc-macro */ }
Expand description

Generate DTrace probe macros from a provider definition file.

This macro parses a DTrace provider.d file, given as a single literal string path. It then generates a Rust macro for each of the DTrace probe definitions.

For example, let’s say the file "test.d" has the following contents:

provider test {
    probe start(uint8_t);
    probe stop(char *, uint8_t);

In a Rust library or application, write:


The macro looks for the file relative to the root of the package, so "test.d" in this case would be in the same directory as "Cargo.toml".

By default probe macros are named {provider}_{probe}!. Arguments are passed via a closure that returns a tuple. Note that the provided closure is only evaluated when the probe is enabled. One can then add points of instrumentation by invoking the macro:

fn do_stuff(count: u8, name: String) {
    // doing stuff
    test_stop!(|| (name, count));

The probe macro names can be customized by adding , format = my_prefix_{provider}_{probe} to the macro invocation where {provider} and {probe} are optional and will be substituted with the actual provider and probe names:

dtrace_provider!("test.d", format = "dtrace_{provider}_{probe}");


The only supported types are integers of specific bit-width (e.g., uint16_t) and char *.