usb-device 0.2.8

Experimental device-side USB stack for embedded devices.

Experimental device-side USB stack for embedded devices in Rust.

This crate is still under development and should not be considered production ready or even USB

The UsbDevice object represents a composite USB device and is the most important object for
application implementors. The UsbDevice combines a number of UsbClasses (either custom ones, or
pre-existing ones provided by other crates) and a UsbBus device drives to implement the USB device.

The UsbClass trait can be used to implemented USB classes such as a HID device or a serial port. An
implementation may also use a custom class if the required functionality isn't covered by a standard

The UsbBus trait is intended to be implemented by device-specific crates to provide a driver for
each device's USB peripheral.

Hardware driver crates

* [stm32-usbd] - device-driver implementation for multiple STM32 microcontroller families.
  Examples can be found in each individual HAL crate that implements the USB peripheral.

* [atsamd] - device-driver implementation for samd21 & samd51 microcontrollers. An example for the
  itsybitsy_m4 board from Adafruit can be found [here]

* [imxrt-usbd] - device-driver implementation for NXP i.MX RT microcontrollers. Examples for
  i.MX RT boards, like the Teensy 4, are maintained with the driver.

Class crates

* [usbd-serial] [![]] - CDC-ACM serial port class
* [usbd-hid] [![]] - HID class


Features planned but not implemented yet:

- Interface alternate settings
- Multilingual string descriptors
- Isochronous endpoints

Features not planning to support at the moment:

- More than one configuration descriptor (uncommon in practice)