usage-tracker 0.1.5

A simple usage tracker in rust.
usage-tracker-0.1.5 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: usage-tracker-0.3.2

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A simple usage tracker in rust.

What is this?

This program allows you to keep track on your usage of things.

For example, if you want to keep track of how much milk you need, you'd tell the program to keep track of milk. Whenever you have emptied a can of milk, you tell it to record a new usage. Later you can see a list of all times when you emptied a can.

The program can also provide you with an estimate of how much milk you'll need for a certain amount of time. Please note that these estimates are only a rough guess and get better with the amount of data provided.

How to use?

To start tracking a new thing:

$ usage-tracker add thing

To get a list of tracked things:

$ usage-tracker list

To record a new usage of thing:

$ usage-tracker use thing

To get an estimate on how much instances of thing you need for a given time:

$ usage-tracker need thing 1 y # 1 year
$ usage-tracker need thing 1 M # 1 month
$ usage-tracker need thing 1 d # 1 day
$ usage-tracker need thing 1 h # 1 hour
$ usage-tracker need thing 1 m # 1 minute
$ usage-tracker need thing 1 s # 1 second
$ usage-tracker need thing 1 w # 1 week

To stop tracking a thing:

$ usage-tracker remove thing

To stop tracking all things:

$ usage-tracker clear

How to install?

If you have cargo installed (which probably means your a rust developer), just type this:

$ cargo install usage-tracker

Otherwise you can go to the releases page and grab the application for your platform from the latest release. Make sure to grab the version for the correct platform.


In the prediction functionality, the existence of leap years is ignored. Also all months are treated as 30 days long. This is necessary to keep the interface for users simple. Otherwise they would be required to specify when the usage starts, which would be a worse user experience.

How to build from source?

You will need to set up a rust development environment. After that, clone the repository. Go into the root folder of the repository and run this:

$ cargo build