Expand description

Authority Component

See [RFC3986, Section 3.2].


use std::convert::TryFrom;

use uriparse::Authority;

let authority = Authority::try_from("example.com").unwrap();
let host = authority.into_parts().2;
let authority =
    Authority::from_parts(Some("username"), Some("password"), host, Some(80)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(authority.to_string(), "username:password@example.com:80");


While many components in this library support string comparison, Authority does not. This comes down to it just being too expensive to do a proper host comparison. To do so would require conversion to IpAddr, which in the case of Ipv6Addr can be expensive.


The authority component as defined in [RFC3986, Section 3.2].

The password component of the authority as defined in [RFC3986, Section 3.2.1].

A host that is a registered name (i.e. not an IP literal).

An error representing an invalid registered name.

The username component of the authority as defined in [RFC3986, Section 3.2.1].


An error representing an invalid authority.

The host component of the authority as defined in [RFC3986, Section 3.2.2].

An error representing an invalid host.

An error representing an invalid password component.

An error representing an invalid port.

An error representing an invalid username component.


Parses the port from the given byte string.