uribo 0.5.0

A command-line tool for executing predefined commands
uribo-0.5.0 is not a library.


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A command line tool that executes a shell command defined in a $PWD/(..)*/.uribo file.

// Define and run the "hello" command.
$ uribo run hello
"hello" command is not defined

$ uribo put hello -- echo "Hello World!"
$ cat .uribo
  "hello": {
    "command": "echo",
    "args": [
      "Hello World!"

$ uribo run hello
Hello World!

// If the specified command is not found in the $PWD/.uribo file,
// the parent directories will be searched.
$ echo '{"ver": {"command": "uribo", "args": ["--version"]}}' > ../.uribo
$ uribo run ver
uribo 0.2.0