update_rate 1.0.1

A generic, low-overhead rate counter for FPS counters and the like.


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A generic, low-overhead rate counter for FPS counters and the like. Usage is simple; pick the number of cycles (frames, updates, etc.) you'd like to average over, construct an UpdateRateCounter, and call update() on it every cycle. Now you can call rate() to find the average rate over the last interval.


The one important thing to remember is to call your Counter's update() at the beginning of your cycles.

use update_rate::UpdateRateCounter;

// Create a new UpdateRateCounter with a sample rate of 10 updates
let mut c = UpdateRateCounter::new(10);

for _ in 1..11 {
    // Rate should be 100 Hz with 10 ms/update

println!("Loop ran at {} cycles per second.", c.rate());
let difference = 100.0 - c.rate();
assert!(difference < 10.0, "Counter rate should be closer to actual rate.");