up-rs 0.15.2

up-rs is a tool to help you keep your machine up to date.
# Allow using unstable features in stable rustfmt (if they have shipped).
unstable_features = true

# Fix up imports.
reorder_imports = true
# Keep all imports in one big list.
# Chosen because I keep them folded, and this makes them less visible.
group_imports = "One"
# One import line per thing being imported.
# Chosen because it keeps refactoring easy.
imports_granularity = "Item"

# Wrap comments too.
wrap_comments = true
# Wrap comments at the same place as code, default is 80.
# Refs: https://github.com/rust-lang/rustfmt/issues/3349#issuecomment-622522913
comment_width = 100

format_code_in_doc_comments = true

# Reorder mod declarations alphabetically in group.
reorder_modules = true
# Types before functions in trait impls.
reorder_impl_items = true

# Use `MyStruct {a, b, c}` where possible not `MyStruct {a: a, b: b, c: c}`.
use_field_init_shorthand = true

# Try to format long strings.
# https://github.com/rust-lang/rustfmt/issues/3863
format_strings = true

# Error if the line was still too long after we formatted.
error_on_line_overflow = true
# Error if rustfmt failed to format something.
# Can be run with `cargo +nightly fmt -- --config error_on_unformatted=true`
# error_on_unformatted = true

# Error on TODOs (use FIXME for long-running things).
# report_todo = "Always"