unsafe-any 0.4.1

Traits and implementations for unchecked downcasting.
# Unsafe-Any [![Build Status]https://travis-ci.org/reem/rust-unsafe-any.svg?branch=master]https://travis-ci.org/reem/rust-unsafe-any

> Convenience traits for unsafe downcasting from trait objects to concrete types.

## Overview

This crate defines two new traits `UncheckedAnyDowncast` and `UncheckedAnyMutDowncast`,
which define methods for downcasting to any type that implements `Any` from
implemented trait objects.

It also defines two convenience implementations of these traits for `&'a Any`
and `&'a mut Any`, which are the most common trait objects that you might
downcast from.

## Example:

let a = box 7u as Box<Any>;
unsafe { assert_eq!(*a.downcast_ref_unchecked::<uint>(), 7u); }

## License