unleash-api-client 0.4.0

An https://unleash.github.io/ API client

Unleash API client for Rustlang

Unleash is a feature flag API system. This is a client for it to facilitate using the API to control features in Rust programs.

Client overview

The client is written using async. Any std compatible async runtime should be compatible. Examples with async-std and tokio are in the examples/ in the source tree.

To use it in a sync program, run an async executor and block_on() the relevant calls. As the client specification requires sending background metrics to the API, you will need to arrange to call the poll_for_updates method from a thread as demonstrated in examples/theads.rs

The unleash defined strategies are included, to support custom strategies use the ClientBuilder and call the strategy method to register your custom strategy memoization function.

The crate documentation should be consulted for more detail.


Core Unleash API features work, with Rust 1.43 or above.

Missing Unleash specified features:

  • local serialised copy of toggles to survive restarts without network traffic.
  • variant support.

Code of conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


PR's on Github as normal please. Cargo test to run the test suite, rustfmt code before submitting. To run the functional test suite:

docker-compose up -d
UNLEASH_API_URL= UNLEASH_APP_NAME=fred UNLEASH_INSTANCE_ID=test cargo test --features functional  -- --nocapture

or similar.