unimap 0.2.0

Scan only once by IP address and reduce scan times with Nmap for large amounts of data.
name: Unimap
author: Eduard Tolosa <edu4rdshl@protonmail.com>
        - ArgRequiredElseHelp
        - StrictUtf8
about: Scan only once by IP address and reduce scan times with Nmap for large amounts of data.
        - target:
                  short: t
                  long: target
                  help: Target host.
                  takes_value: true
                  multiple: false
                          - files

        - files:
                  short: f
                  long: file
                  help: Use a list of targets writen in a file as input.
                  takes_value: true
                  multiple: true
                          - target

        - output:
                  short: o
                  long: output
                  help: Write to an output file. The name of the output file will be unimap-log-date.
                  takes_value: false

        - unique-output:
                  short: u
                  long: unique-output
                  help: Write the output in CSV format to the specified filename.
                  takes_value: true
                  multiple: false
                          - output

        - quiet:
                  short: q
                  long: quiet
                  help: Remove informative messages.
                  takes_value: false

        - threads:
                  help: Number of threads to use to perform the resolution.
                  long: threads
                  takes_value: true

        - custom-resolvers:
                  help: Path to a file (or files) containing a list of DNS IP address. If no specified then 1.6k of built-in valid DNS servers from public-dns.info are used.
                  long: resolvers
                  takes_value: true
                  multiple: true

        - initial-port:
                  help: Initial port to scan. Default 0.
                  long: iport
                  takes_value: true
                  multiple: false

        - last-port:
                  help: Last port to scan. Default 1000.
                  long: lport
                  takes_value: true
                  multiple: false

        - min-rate:
                  help: Nmap --min-rate value for ports scan.
                  long: min-rate
                  takes_value: true

        - fast-scan:
                  help: Use fast scanning for ports (no version detection).
                  long: fast-scan
                  takes_value: false

        - logs-dir:
                  help: Path to save the CSV data of the process and/or Nmap XML files. Default to logs/.
                  long: logs-dir
                  takes_value: true
                  multiple: false

        - keep-nmap-logs:
                  help: Keep Nmap XML files created in the logs/ folder for every scanned IP. This data will be useful for other tasks.
                  short: k
                  long: keep-nmap-logs
                  takes_value: false
                  multiple: false