unidiff 0.3.1

Unified diff parsing/metadata extraction library for Rust
# unidiff-rs

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Unified diff parsing/metadata extraction library for Rust

## Installation

Add it to your ``Cargo.toml``:

unidiff = "0.3"

Add ``extern crate unidiff`` to your crate root and your're good to go!

## [Documentation]http://messense.github.io/unidiff-rs/unidiff/index.html

To generate crate documentation locally, run:

$ cargo doc

Then you will be able to open the documentation under ``target/doc/unidiff`` directory.

Also you can read it [online](http://messense.github.io/unidiff-rs/unidiff/index.html).

## License

This work is released under the MIT license. A copy of the license is provided in the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file.