unicode-bom 0.1.2

Unicode byte-order mark detection for files and byte arrays.
# Change log

## 0.1.2

### Other changes

* crate: fix gitlab build status badge (16f5a9a)

## 0.1.1

### Bug fixes

* crate: update docs link to point to gitlab instead of docs.rs (5085a1a)
* docs: fix license badge URL (ef2f7ef)
* docs: remove stale old reference to Path in readme (f5f9bc9)

### Other changes

* ci: build docs in CI (83ba4b3)
* ci: build on stable in CI (5e57fa4)
* crate: add toolchain file (bf10c10)
* crate: link to docs (fc7a19e)

## 0.1.0

### New features

* docs: write some basic documentation (e472f2a)
* types: implement From<## 0.0.0Path> for Bom (a63deca)
* types: implement From<## 0.0.0mut File> for Bom (73924e1)
* types: implement From<## 0.0.0[u8]> for Bom (0007285)
* types: implement a basic Bom enum (b30af8b)

### Refactorings

* api: accept a plain ## 0.0.0str as a file path (1ac8883)

### Other changes

* tests: simplify some test code (e832f1a)
* code: silence clippy warnings (b3d3bd0)
* ci: add ci config (99dd906)
* repo: add git ignore file (2bad0b2)

## 0.0.0

* chore: initial commit