unhtml 0.7.0

deserializor from html


Build status Crate version License: MIT Rust Docs

There are two trait in crate unhtml

  • FromHtml

The only method of FromHtml you should care about is fn from_html(html: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> and this method is implemented for all types implemented FromStr<E, T>

impl<E, T> FromHtml for T
    where E: failure::Fail,
          T: FromStr<Err=E> {
    fn from_html(html: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {

You can implement FromHtml automatically for struct by crate unhtml_derive Crate version

  • VecFromHtml

VecFromHtml is implemented for Vec<T> where T: FromHtml by default

impl<T> VecFromHtml for Vec<T>
    where T: FromHtml {
    type Elem = T;

As FromHtml is implemented for u8 by default

use unhtml::scraper::Html;
use unhtml::VecFromHtml;
let html = Html::parse_fragment(r#"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <div id="test">
        <a href="1"></a>
        <a href="2"></a>
        <a href="3"></a>
let results = Vec::<u8>::from_attr("#test > a", "href", html.root_element()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(1u8, results[0]);
assert_eq!(2u8, results[1]);
assert_eq!(3u8, results[2]);