undo 0.48.0

A undo-redo library.


A undo-redo library.

Rust Crates.io Docs

It is an implementation of the command pattern, where all modifications are done by creating objects that applies the modifications. All objects knows how to undo the changes it applies, and by using the provided data structures it is easy to apply, undo, and redo changes made to a target.


use undo::{Action, History};

struct Push(char);

impl Action for Push {
    type Target = String;
    type Output = ();

    fn apply(&mut self, s: &mut String) {

    fn undo(&mut self, s: &mut String) {
        self.0 = s.pop().expect("s is empty");

fn main() {
    let mut target = String::new();
    let mut history = History::new();
    history.apply(&mut target, Push('a'));
    history.apply(&mut target, Push('b'));
    history.apply(&mut target, Push('c'));
    assert_eq!(target, "abc");
    history.undo(&mut target);
    history.undo(&mut target);
    history.undo(&mut target);
    assert_eq!(target, "");
    history.redo(&mut target);
    history.redo(&mut target);
    history.redo(&mut target);
    assert_eq!(target, "abc");


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