under 0.3.5

A simple HTTP server framework.
//! Async SSE.
//! This adds some wrappers around using the `async-sse` crate with this
//! HTTP library, making it easier to handle SSE connections.  It is gated
//! behind the `sse` feature flag for those who do not want to use it.

use crate::{HttpEntity, Request, Response};
pub use async_sse::Sender;
use futures::StreamExt;
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio_util::compat::FuturesAsyncReadCompatExt;

/// Creates an endpoint that can handle SSE connections.  This directly
/// upgrades the HTTP request to SSE unconditionally, before calling the
/// handler function with the current request and the SSE sender.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use under::*;
/// use under::sse::Sender;
/// async fn handle(req: Request, mut sender: Sender) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
///     sender.send(None, "hello, world!", None).await?;
///     Ok(())
/// }
/// let mut http = under::http();
/// http.at("/sse").get(under::sse::endpoint(handle));
/// ```
pub fn endpoint<F, Fut>(handle: F) -> SseEndpoint<F>
    F: Fn(Request, Sender) -> Fut + Send + Sync + 'static,
    Fut: Future<Output = crate::Result<()>> + Send + 'static,

/// Upgrades a request to SSE.  This allows you to check beforehand if a request
/// should be upgraded to SSE, instead of [`endpoint`], which directly upgrades
/// the connection.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use under::*;
/// use under::sse::Sender;
/// async fn sse(request: Request, mut sender: Sender) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
///     sender.send(None, "hello, world!", None).await?;
///     Ok(())
/// }
/// fn should_upgrade_to_sse(request: &Request) -> bool {
/// #    return true;
///     // ...
/// }
/// async fn handle(request: Request) -> Result<Response, anyhow::Error> {
///     if should_upgrade_to_sse(&request) {
///         under::sse::upgrade(request, sse)
///     } else {
///        Ok(Response::empty_404())
///     }
/// }
/// let mut http = under::http();
/// http.at("/sse").get(handle);
/// ```
pub fn upgrade<F, Fut>(request: Request, handle: F) -> Result<Response, anyhow::Error>
    F: FnOnce(Request, Sender) -> Fut + Send + Sync + 'static,
    Fut: Future<Output = crate::Result<()>> + Send + 'static,
    Ok(handle_sse(request, handle))

/// Performs a heartbeat on an SSE connection.  This allows the server to
/// ensure that a client is still connected.  This is expected, generally, to
/// be used in conjunction with either [`endpoint`] or [`upgrade`].  The steam
/// passed in should be cancellable, and will be cancelled if it does not
/// resolve within the heartbeat timeout (1s by default).  This is mostly
/// expected to be used in a loop.
/// # Errors
/// This will return an error if the heartbeat fails to send.  This implies
/// an issue with the underlying connection.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use under::*;
/// use under::sse::{Sender, stream_heartbeat};
/// # fn some_stream() -> impl futures::Stream<Item = u64> {
/// #     futures::stream::iter(vec![1, 2, 3])
/// # }
/// async fn sse(request: Request, mut sender: Sender) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
///     let mut stream = some_stream();
///     while let Some(event) = stream_heartbeat(&mut sender, &mut stream).await? {
///         sender.send(None, &format!("{}", event), None).await?;
///     }
///     Ok(())
/// }
/// let mut http = under::http();
/// http.at("/sse").get(under::sse::endpoint(sse));
/// ```
pub async fn stream_heartbeat<I, S: futures::Stream<Item = I> + Unpin>(
    sender: &mut Sender,
    stream: &mut S,
) -> Result<Option<I>, anyhow::Error> {
    loop {
        let time = tokio::time::timeout(tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(1), stream.next()).await;

        match time {
            Ok(t) => {
                return Ok(t);
            Err(_) => {
                sender.send("_hb", "", None).await?;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
/// An instance of an SSE endpoint.
/// This is created by [`endpoint`], and implements the [`crate::Endpoint`]
/// trait.
pub struct SseEndpoint<F>(Arc<F>);

impl<F> SseEndpoint<F> {
    fn new(f: F) -> Self {

impl<F, Fut> crate::Endpoint for SseEndpoint<F>
    F: Fn(Request, Sender) -> Fut + Send + Sync + 'static,
    Fut: Future<Output = crate::Result<()>> + Send + 'static,
    async fn apply(self: Pin<&Self>, request: Request) -> Result<Response, anyhow::Error> {
        let h = self.0.clone();
        // we need this for lifetime extension.  If we pass in `h` directly,
        // `h` would be bound to the lifetime of this function.
        Ok(handle_sse(request, move |r, s| h(r, s)))

    fn describe(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {

fn handle_sse<F, Fut>(request: Request, handle: F) -> crate::Response
    F: FnOnce(Request, Sender) -> Fut + Send + Sync + 'static,
    Fut: Future<Output = crate::Result<()>> + Send + 'static,
    let (sender, encoder) = async_sse::encode();

    let stream = tokio_util::io::ReaderStream::new(encoder.compat());
    let response = Response::empty_200()
        .with_header("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
        .expect("Cache-Control is a valid header")
        .with_header("Content-Type", "text/event-stream")
        .expect("Content-Type is a valid header")

    tokio::task::spawn(async move {
        handle(request, sender).await.ok();
