unchecked-index 0.2.1

Unchecked indexing wrapper using regular index syntax.

//! Unchecked indexing through the regular index syntax.
//! Using a wrapper type that requires an `unsafe` block to create.
//! *Note:* All unchecked indexing here is actually “checked” with *debug
//! assertions* when they are enabled (they are off by default in release
//! builds). This is a feature! Debug checking does **not** make your code safe,
//! but it helps finding bugs in `unsafe` code. Test your code responsibly.
//! # Example
//! ```rust
//! use unchecked_index::unchecked_index;
//! /// unsafe because: trusts the permutation to be correct
//! unsafe fn apply_permutation<T>(perm: &mut [usize], v: &mut [T]) {
//!     debug_assert_eq!(perm.len(), v.len());
//!     // use unchecked (in reality, debug-checked) indexing throughout
//!     let mut perm = unchecked_index(perm);
//!     for i in 0..perm.len() {
//!         let mut current = i;
//!         while i != perm[current] {
//!             let next = perm[current];
//!             // move element from next to current
//!             v.swap(next, current);
//!             perm[current] = current;
//!             current = next;
//!         }
//!         perm[current] = current;
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! # Rust Version
//! This version of the crate requires Rust 1.15 or later.

// Because pain and SliceExt

//extern crate core as std;

/// Wrapper type for unchecked indexing through the regular index syntax
/// Note that the indexing is checked with debug assertions, but unchecked
/// in release mode. Test your code responsibly.
pub struct UncheckedIndex<S>(S);

impl<S: Copy> Clone for UncheckedIndex<S> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }

/// Create a new unchecked indexing wrapper.
/// This function is `unsafe` to call because it allows all further indexing
/// on the wrapper to omit bounds checks.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure that **all** indexing of the resulting
/// `UncheckedIndex` wrapper is in bounds of the underlying container.
pub unsafe fn unchecked_index<T>(v: T) -> UncheckedIndex<T>

/// Access the element(s) at `index`, without bounds checks!
/// *Note:* Will use *debug assertions* to check that the index is actually
/// valid. In release mode, debug assertions are *off* by default.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure that `index` is in bounds of the underlying
/// container.
pub unsafe fn get_unchecked<T: ?Sized, I>(v: &T, index: I) -> &T::Output
    where T: GetUnchecked<I>

/// Access the element(s) at `index`, without bounds checks!
/// *Note:* Will use *debug assertions* to check that the index is actually
/// valid. In release mode, debug assertions are *off* by default.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure that `index` is in bounds of the underlying
/// container.
pub unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut<T: ?Sized, I>(v: &mut T, index: I) -> &mut T::Output
    where T: GetUncheckedMut<I>

use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut, Index, IndexMut};

impl<T> Deref for UncheckedIndex<T> {
    type Target = T;
    fn deref(&self) -> &T {

impl<T> DerefMut for UncheckedIndex<T> {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
        &mut self.0

impl<T, I> Index<I> for UncheckedIndex<T>
    where T: GetUnchecked<I>
    type Output = T::Output;

    /// Access the element(s) at `index`, without bounds checks!
    /// *Note:* Will use *debug assertions* to check that the index is actually
    /// valid. In release mode, debug assertions are *off* by default.
    /// # Safety
    /// The caller must ensure that `index` is always in bounds of the
    /// underlying container.
    fn index(&self, index: I) -> &Self::Output {
        unsafe {
            get_unchecked(&self.0, index)

impl<T, I> IndexMut<I> for UncheckedIndex<T>
    where T: GetUncheckedMut<I>
    /// Access the element(s) at `index`, without bounds checks!
    /// *Note:* Will use *debug assertions* to check that the index is actually
    /// valid. In release mode, debug assertions are *off* by default.
    /// # Safety
    /// The caller must ensure that `index` is always in bounds of the
    /// underlying container.
    fn index_mut(&mut self, index: I) -> &mut Self::Output {
        unsafe {
            get_unchecked_mut(&mut self.0, index)

pub trait CheckIndex<I> {
    /// Assert (using a regular assertion) that the index is valid.
    /// Must not return if the index is invalid for indexing self.
    /// ***Panics*** if `index` is invalid.
    fn assert_indexable_with(&self, index: &I);

impl<'a, T: ?Sized, I> CheckIndex<I> for &'a T where T: CheckIndex<I> {
    fn assert_indexable_with(&self, index: &I) {

impl<'a, T: ?Sized, I> CheckIndex<I> for &'a mut T where T: CheckIndex<I> {
    fn assert_indexable_with(&self, index: &I) {

impl<T> CheckIndex<usize> for [T] {
    fn assert_indexable_with(&self, &index: &usize) {
        assert!(index < self.len(),
                "assertion index < len failed: index out of bounds: \
                index = {}, len = {}",
                index, self.len())

pub trait GetUnchecked<I>: CheckIndex<I> {
    type Output: ?Sized;
    unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self, index: I) -> &Self::Output;

pub trait GetUncheckedMut<I>: GetUnchecked<I> {
    unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(&mut self, index: I) -> &mut Self::Output;

impl<T> GetUnchecked<usize> for [T] {
    type Output = T;
    unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {

impl<T> GetUncheckedMut<usize> for [T] {
    unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Self::Output {

impl<'a, T: ?Sized, I> GetUnchecked<I> for &'a T
    where T: GetUnchecked<I>
    type Output = T::Output;
    unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self, index: I) -> &Self::Output {

impl<'a, T: ?Sized, I> GetUnchecked<I> for &'a mut T
    where T: GetUnchecked<I>
    type Output = T::Output;
    unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self, index: I) -> &Self::Output {

impl<'a, T: ?Sized, I> GetUncheckedMut<I> for &'a mut T
    where T: GetUncheckedMut<I>
    unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(&mut self, index: I) -> &mut Self::Output {

macro_rules! impl_slice_range {
    ($index_type:ty, $self_:ident, $index: ident, $assertion:expr) => {
        impl<T> CheckIndex<$index_type> for [T] {
            fn assert_indexable_with($self_: &Self, $index: &$index_type) {

        impl<T> GetUnchecked<$index_type> for [T] {
            type Output = [T];
            unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self, index: $index_type) -> &Self::Output {

        impl<T> GetUncheckedMut<$index_type> for [T] {
            unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(&mut self, index: $index_type) -> &mut Self::Output {

use std::ops::{Range, RangeTo, RangeFrom, RangeFull};

impl_slice_range!(Range<usize>, self, index, {
  assert!(index.start <= index.end,
          "assertion start <= end failed: start = {}, end = {}, len = {}",
          index.start, index.end, self.len());
  assert!(index.end <= self.len(),
          "assertion end <= len failed: end = {}, len = {}",
          index.end, self.len());

impl_slice_range!(RangeTo<usize>, self, index, {
  assert!(index.end <= self.len(),
          "assertion end <= len failed: end = {}, len = {}",
          index.end, self.len());

impl_slice_range!(RangeFrom<usize>, self, index, {
  assert!(index.start <= self.len(),
          "assertion start <= len failed: start = {}, len = {}",
          index.start, self.len());

impl_slice_range!(RangeFull, self, _index, { });

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn it_works() {
        let mut data = [0; 8];
        unsafe {
            let mut data = unchecked_index(&mut data);
            for i in 0..data.len() {
                data[i] = i;
        assert_eq!(data, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]);

    fn debug_oob_check_write() {
        let mut data = [0; 8];
        unsafe {
            let mut data = unchecked_index(&mut data[..7]);
            data[7] = 1;

    fn debug_oob_check_read() {
        let mut data = [0; 8];
        unsafe {
            let data = unchecked_index(&mut data[..7]);
            println!("{}", data[17]);

    fn non_debug_oob() {
        // outside bounds of the slice but not the data -- should be ok
        let mut data = [0; 8];
        unsafe {
            let mut data = unchecked_index(&mut data[..7]);
            data[7] = 1;
        assert_eq!(data, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);

    fn debug_oob_check_read_slice_1() {
        let mut data = [0; 8];
        unsafe {
            let data = unchecked_index(&mut data[..7]);
            println!("{:?}", &data[5..10]);

    fn debug_oob_check_read_slice_2() {
        let mut data = [0; 8];
        unsafe {
            let data = unchecked_index(&mut data[..7]);
            println!("{:?}", &data[7..6]);

    fn debug_oob_check_read_slice_3() {
        let mut data = [0; 8];
        unsafe {
            let data = unchecked_index(&mut data[..7]);
            println!("{:?}", &data[8..]);

    fn debug_oob_check_read_slice_4() {
        let mut data = [0; 8];
        unsafe {
            let data = unchecked_index(&mut data[..7]);
            println!("{:?}", &data[..9]);

    fn non_debug_oob_slice() {
        // outside bounds of the slice but not the data -- should be ok
        let mut data = [0; 8];
        unsafe {
            let mut data = unchecked_index(&mut data[..7]);
            data[7..8][0] = 1;
        assert_eq!(data, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);