unbound 0.3.0

Wraps libunbound; an implementation of a DNS resolver including cache and DNSSEC validation.
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Crate unbound wraps [libunbound](https://unbound.nlnetlabs.nl) from [NLnet Labs](https://nlnetlabs.nl). libunbound is an implementation of a DNS resolver, including cache and DNSSEC validation. The interface provided follows libunbound closely: * `ub_ctx` is wrapped by [Context](struct.Context.html). OpenSSL is initialised when a [Context](struct.Context.html) is substantiated. Functions from libunbound that operate on `ub_ctx` are accessed using methods on [Context](struct.Context.html). * `ub_result` is wrapped by [Answer](struct.Answer.html). Methods on [Answer](struct.Answer.html) are used to safely access the fields of `ub_result`.