umbral-pre 0.8.1

Implementation of Umbral proxy reencryption algorithm
This module implements a similar API to what the crate `secrecy` provides.
So, why our own implementation?

First `secrecy::Secret<T>` does not put its contents in a `Box`.
Using `Box` is a general recommendation of working with secret data,
because it prevents the compiler from putting it on stack, thus avoiding possible copies on borrow.

Now, one could use `secrecy::Secret<Box<T>>`.
The problem here is that `secrecy::Secret` requires its type parameter to implement `Zeroize`.
This means that for a foreign type `F` (even if it does implement `Zeroize`)
we need to define `impl Zeroize for Box<F>`.
But the compiler does not allow impls of foreign traits on foreign types.
This means that we also need to wrap `F` in a local type, impl `Zeroize` for the wrapper,
and then for the box of the wrapper.
This is too much boilerplate.

Additionally, `secrecy::Secret<Box<T>>` means that after each `expose_secret()`
we will need to deal with opening the `Box` as well.
It's an inconvenience, albeit a minor one.

The situation may improve in the future, and `secrecy` will actually become usable.

use alloc::boxed::Box;

use zeroize::{Zeroize, ZeroizeOnDrop};

/// A container for secret data.
/// Makes the usage of secret data explicit and easy to track,
/// prevents the secret data from being put on stack,
/// and zeroizes the contents on drop.
#[derive(Clone)] // No Debug derivation, to avoid exposing the secret data accidentally.
pub struct SecretBox<T>(Box<T>)
    T: Zeroize + Clone;

impl<T: PartialEq + Zeroize + Clone> PartialEq<SecretBox<T>> for SecretBox<T> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.0 == other.0

impl<T> SecretBox<T>
    T: Zeroize + Clone,
    pub(crate) fn new(val: T) -> Self {

    /// Returns an immutable reference to the secret data.
    pub fn as_secret(&self) -> &T {

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the secret data.
    pub fn as_mut_secret(&mut self) -> &mut T {

impl<T> Drop for SecretBox<T>
    T: Zeroize + Clone,
    fn drop(&mut self) {

// Alternatively, it could be derived automatically,
// but there's some compilation problem in the macro.
// See
// So we're asserting that this object is zeroized on drop, since there is a Drop impl just above.
impl<T> ZeroizeOnDrop for SecretBox<T> where T: Zeroize + Clone {}