umask 0.1.4

utility to deal with unix access mode

MIT Latest Version docs Chat on Miaou


An utility to build and display unix access permission modes


In Cargo.toml:

umask = "0.1"


    use umask::*;

    // You can build from a number:
    assert_eq!("rw-r--r--", Mode::from(0b110100100).to_string());
    assert_eq!("rw-r--r--", Mode::from(0o644).to_string());

    // You may use `|` to combine class permissions:
    let mu = Mode::from(0o600);
    let mo = Mode::from(0o004);
    let muo = mu | mo;
    assert_eq!("rw----r--", muo.to_string());

    // You can build with semantic constructs:
    let m = Mode::all()
    assert_eq!("rw-rw-rw-", m.to_string());
    let mut m = Mode::new()
        .with_class_perm(ALL, READ)
        .with_class_perm(USER, WRITE);
    assert_eq!("rw-r--r--", m.to_string());

    // Or if you like
    m |= ALL_EXEC;
    assert_eq!("rwxr-xr-x", m.to_string());
    let m = ALL_READ | USER_WRITE;
    assert_eq!("rw-r--r--", m.to_string());